12 - Koko

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Khloe didn't want to jump into any conclusions. She could not control her motions when she told Kendall they had to talk. She absolutely didn't want her sister to know she had been reading her texts. That would make Kendall lose it since she always valued her privacy dearly.

"About what Khloe?" Kendall sweetly replied as she sat down. Khloe regained her composure. She would try to make Kendall speak up as much as she could during lunch. She would at least give it a shot.

"You gotta tell me about the details of your first fashion week!" Khloe started the conversation. Kendall smiled. She was surprised. She wasn't usually asked about her vacations. Specially not by Khloe. "It was the best trip eva!" She joked, giggling along with her sister.

Whole table was focused on Kylie's recent party. Discussing the details. Yet, khloe was busy trying to get Kendall to talk. Without her snooping earlier being too obvious, of course.

"The first few days were amazing! I went out with the girls almost every single day." Kendall mused running the memories over in her mind, a smile working its way to her lips.

"Girls? Who do you mean?" Khloe asked excitedly.

Kendall's phone buzzed once again and she lifted her finger to make Khloe wait for a short while. Kendall smiled widely as she replied the text and turned her attention back on Khloe.

"Sorry! So where were we?" Kendall asked. "I got distracted."

"You were telling me about girls." Khloe reminded her.

"Yeah! So Lily and Stella are so much fun! I mostly hung out with our little gang." She replied. "We went to every good restaurant there."

"Who with?" Her older sister smiled.

"It was Doutz, Joan, Jourdan, Karlie, Taylor, Cara and me." Kendall counted them all.

"Wow! All the hotties in one room!" Koko joked. "A picture of those nights could make it to the cover of Vogue."

"Yeah. It's so insane!" Kendall said dryly laughing afterwards. Khloe joined in.

Kendall's phone buzzed again. She made the same sign and grinned while she read the text. Khloe sighed in frustration. Kendall took her time as she replied.

Kendall spoke about her London trip for a while with Khloe. Intentionally not giving much information about Cara. She knew Khloe would pick on things easily. She didn't want anyone to know yet. They chatted with each other for a while. Catching up by all means. Kendall's phone , however, almost never stopped buzzing.


Khloe sat beside Kylie in the backseat of Kim's car. Penelope and Mason had dragged Kendall to their car and North wanted to drive with her dad and grandparents. That left Kylie and Khloe together.

Khloe was thinking about Kendall's behavior as she drove. Ultimately she decided to ask Kylie if she noticed a change either. Therefore she pulled Kylie's hedset out of her ear.

"What the fuck is wrong with you today?" Kylie groaned in surprise. "I was listening!"

"Ugh please! You do this all the time!" Khloe protested. "And I don't snap at you like that!"

"Yeah you simply wrestle me to death." Kylie replied with an eye roll. Just before she put the device back in her ear, Khloe grabbed it.

"I wanna ask you something serious for a second." She announced with a sigh.

Cake Recipe! ( Cara and Kendall ) Lesbian storiesWhere stories live. Discover now