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Raychel stared in the distance as she stood on the balcony that was attached to her bedroom. The view she had from the beach house she shared with her husband was nearly perfect, yet her thoughts were not focused on the view she had on the sea. Her thoughts were going over how much her life had changed in just a few years. It all started with her best friend Matt wanting to plan a that surprise birthday party for his brother and her other best friend Joe.

*8 years earlier* Raychel's P.O.V.

Pensacola, FL

Love can be cruel and unrequited love is the cruelest kind. if anyone should know that it's me. See I have this problem that I feel like have I have to keep secret. Even my best friend Matt doesn't know it and I usually tell him everything.

The problem is that I have feelings for his brother. His brother is Roman Reigns or, as I have known him, Joe Anoa'i. I started having feelings for him what seems like a long time ago. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to feel the same.

I know that I am only one of many people who claim to love the man but all those other people only know him as the wrestler Roman Reigns.

Matt is also a wrestler, better known as Rosey. Matt is one of the best friends anyone could have or wish for. We are alike in so many ways and that's what I loved about our friendship. I can be myself around him just because we are so alike. However, I still feel like I can't tell him about my feelings for Joe. I'm afraid it could ruin our friendship. Not only the friendship I had with Matt but also the friendship I had with Joe. I could lose two of my closest friends because of this. Matt and I were close from the moment I met them and I would feel terrible if I'd ruin that. Joe and I had needed a bit more time to warm up to each other but I wouldn't change it for the world.

So even though it hurts me that Joe and I probably will never be together, being just friends is better than being no friends at all. At least, that is what I've been telling myself for almost a year now.

"Raychel, what are you thinking about?" Matt asked while snapping his fingers in front of my face, causing me to focus again.

"Oh, nothing special" I answered as casually as possible.

"So, you'll help me, right?" Clearly, I lost my concentration for a while because I had no idea what he was talking about.

"With what?" I said and realized how stupid that must sound right now.

"A surprise party for Joe of course. It's his birthday in a few weeks, remember?" He said while trying not to laugh.

"How could I forget the birthday of one of my best friends but I hope you are aware of the fact that Joe always finds these things out." I reminded Matt.

"She's right big brother" Joe laughed even though he was the taller brother.

I didn't hear him come in so he startled me a little bit.... Okay he startled me a lot, I mean I was still crushing on the man and he just happen to appear without us noticing. Apparently, I also failed terribly at hiding it.

Matt laughed as he looked at my shocked face. "Look what you've done little brother, you scared her"

Joe's arms went around my waist and he hugged me from behind with a chuckle. "I'm sorry little one".

Little one is the nickname Joe gave me a few weeks after we met, he did it to tease me with being just 5'3".

"It's okay cheekbones." I said with a smirk. I knew Joe hated it when I called him cheekbone so this was my way of revenge. It really seemed to irritate him for some reason and before you ask, yeah he makes being irritated look hot.

"Okay that's enough, little one." Joe said while trying to put me in an armlock.

Joe used to do this a lot to me, not to hurt me or anything but in a friendly and playful way. I didn't like wrestling and I only watched it because of Joe. But when we were younger, they tried teaching me a few things so I knew how to reverse that lock into another armlock. Now Joe's arm was locked, and it was locked in GOOD.

"Tap!" I yelled as I put the pressure on, but not enough to really hurt him of course.

"Never!" He yelled back so I added more pressure. This continued for a moment before Joe tapped as he had enough.

"Okay okay, you win." He said as I let go of his arm and pretended to celebrate my victory.

"Impressive" Joe and Matt said in union as they started to clap for me and I jokingly took a bow.

"That was a pretty solid arm lock. If you would have actually tried to add enough pressure it would be a pretty foolproof submission" Joe complimented me.

"Maybe I should go wrestle as well then." I joked.

"Honestly that isn't such a bad idea if you'd think about it. I mean yes you miss the proper training but you already spend so much time with us that you unintentionally may have learned a thing or two about wrestling." Matt said.

"You're kidding right? I asked.

"Nope I'm dead serious."

I looked at Joe in the hope that he would disagree.

"He is right Raych, you do have the talent to become one and it's not like you're not alethic already."

"Guys I was joking I don't want to wrestle. I don't even like wrestling." I said slightly annoyed now, they should know that by now.

"Okay, it was just an idea." Matt said a little shocked by my annoyed voice.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be a bitch about it." I apologized to him.

"It's okay Raych." Matt smiled and ruffled my hair." So, back to important stuff. Bro what are we going to do with your birthday?"

"I don't know what do you guys want to do?" He asked Matt and I.

"We could go out for dinner on your birthday?" Matt suggested.

"That isn't a bad idea. Could I invite Evelyne to join us?" I asked Joe as it was his birthday. Evelyne has been a close friend of mine since kindergarten and she also was a good friend of Joe and Matt.

"Yeah of course." Joe said as we looked at Matt who turned bright red by the mention of Evelyne's name.

Joe's POV,

After we talked for a while Raychel left.

"Dude why don't you just ask Evelyne out? I know you like her." I asked him.

"I'm just scared, what if she says no? I mean I'm not the best-looking guy and she is just so beautiful and perfect." He sighed.

"Dude don't underestimate yourself, you are an Anoa'i. And besides a girl who is shallow enough to only fall for someone's appearance isn't worth our time." I assured him only then realizing that that sounded like something Raychel would say.

"Dude you realize that you just sounded like my best friend, right?"

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