Chapter Twenty-Five: Practice Makes Perfect

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I come out of the girls locker room with Brett's shirt and sweats on. "Looks like Stephanie was smart to bring cleats and running shoes," Trevor says. Blake asks, "Wait us she wearing your shirt, Brett?" "She probably has the same one," Josh says. I pretend I'm not listening as I put my headphones and stretch. I listen to my music, but they are not exactly quiet. "She can do the splits," Caleb says as I reach for my right foot. Brett says, "She used to do gymnastics." I smile and think, "He listened." "Can she hear us," Shawn asks, but Trevor says, "Nah, she has her music on." I get up pulling my earbuds out and walk past them, "You guys can stop staring at me." "Do you really want us to," Brett chuckles for a show for the guys. I turn and put my hands on my hips, "If you guys want to stare, I don't care. Go ahead." "Permission, you give us permission," Jake asks dumbfounded. I shrug, "I guess." "No, she isn't," Brett says a little territorial. I smirk at him then walk away swaying my hips.

I get to the lacrosse field, and I can practically feel Brett's eyes on me. Coach yells, "A mile on the track." I start to run at a normal pace for a human being, but it doesn't help because I still finish before everyone except Brett. "McCall, Talbot, this isn't a track meet," Coach says but smiles, "Atleast you guys are being competitive." Brett growls softly by me, "You are mine to look at with messy hair and no make up. Not theirs." I giggle, "Who said that?" "Okay. Whoever can do the best cartwheels gets to pick the teams today," Coach says as the others finish. Matt says, "Steph is going to win for sure. This isn't even fair." "Try to beat her," Coach laughs, "McCall, show us what they have to beat." I do a graceful cartwheel then go into the splits to show off, and Brett says, "No one is going to beat that, Coach Nelson." "Stephanie, pick the teams," Coach says. I put Nathan, Sam, Matt, Caleb, Ethan, and Shawn on my team then Brett, Trevor, Blake, Josh, Crawford, Grayson, and Jake on the other. Blake and Trevor keep looking between Brett and I as our eyes gleam with competition. "I hope you know I'm going to win, McCall," Brett taunts. I giggle, "Aww, that's cute. You think you can win." "That's it. Do you want to bet on it," he says towering over me. I smirk, "What do you want to bet?" "If I win, I get to take you on a real date, and if you win, which isn't likely, you get to continue with teasing of the boys," he gets down to face level as he whispers. I chuckle, "Deal." "Did you guys seriously make a bet on a practice game," Grayson asks. Trevor laughs, "They sure did."

Brett and I start in the middle. I smile at him and whisper, "I hope you're thinking about me." He smiles, and I whisper as the whistle blows, "Naked." He is blushing and shocked as I get the ball. I run and pass it to Ethan. He passes it back to me as I get an opening. The ball hits net, and I laugh at Brett's expression. "Talbot, what was that? You stood there like an idiot," Blake says. Brett answers, "She played dirty." "How," Trevor asks. I chuckle, "I used his imagination against him." "Did you do the naked trick," Josh says. I giggle as Brett says, "That is exactly what she did." Someone else starts the ball this time, and Brett scores. He smiles at me as another person starts. I run and intercept the pass, but Brett does the same thing when I pass. I narrow my eyes as he makes another point. We keep the game so close, and Brett makes the winning point. "Twenty to nineteen," Brett cheers as he is lifted onto Blake and Josh's shoulders. I cross my arms and say through my teeth, "Good game." He gets down and hugs me, "I'll take you out on Saturday." "Okay," I say less upset about the loss. He lets go, and I remember, "Brett, do you and some of the guys want to go to my house to play another game? Scott wants to play lacrosse with me." "I'm down," Blake says. Brett nods, and Crawford and Ethan agree.

All of us pull up at my house. Stiles pulls up in his jeep, and Liam and Kira get out, "Hey, sis." I hug him, "Ready to lose, bro?" "No, I'm ready to win though," he says throwing me over his shoulder. Scott comes out and sees everyone is here. I poke Stiles sides causing him to drop me, but I save myself with a handstand. "Sorry, Steph," he says. I get to my feet, "I'm good." "So, are you guys ready," Scott asks.Brett asks, "Our team versus yours?" "Perfect," Liam says bumping into me. I turn to the others, "I need to speak with Liam," then drag him toward the house, "inside."

"What," he grunts when I close the door. "What? Are you serious? You obviously butt hurt about something," I say making him sit down. He rolls his eyes, "Like you care? You don't even hang out with us anymore." "Oh my gosh. You think you lost me as a friend," I say softening my tone, "I could never stop being your friend. I just thought you would want to spend time with Hayden and Mason." "Hayden is my girlfriend, and Mason is my best friend, but you understand what it feels like to be a ticking time bomb. You can actually calm me down," he says looking me in the eyes. I sit next to him, "Hayden can too, and she hasn't knocked you out." He laughs a little, "Yea, that is true, but you and I only get agressive when we too into training or when you had a microchip on your cerebral cortex." "Are you telling me that you got into a fight with Hayden," I say slightly growling, and he shakes his head. He explains, "No, I just punch and break things. I would never hit her." "Good because I don't care if you're my friend, she is one of my betas," I warn him. He says, "I know. I'm just concerned. She used to calm me down so well before she passed away, and now that she is back, it is diluted." "How do I calm you down," I ask. He sighs, "After she died, I was devastated. I was a complete mess, but you were the first person to get an emotional response out of me that wasn't depression or anger. I kind of automatically clung to the hope that it would be better when you went into an emergency brain surgery and was strong enough to overcome it." "Wow," I say astounded, "I had no idea, Liam." We sit here in silence until I think out loud, "But then I lost my humanity." "I know, but here you are. You are fighting to have as normal of a life you can as a teen alpha with I.E.D., A.D.D., and possibly anxiety according to Dr. Deaton," he says patting me on the shoulder then I make the connection. I yell for Scott, and Scott comes inside, "What, Stephanie?" "How am I Liam's anchor when we are only friends," I ask hastily. He chuckles, "Stiles is my anchor. I'm straight and have a girlfriend, and he is like my brother." "Wait. I have a new anchor, and I am an anchor for two people," I say making another realization, "Why does the supernatural have to do this weird crap?" "It takes practice to learn not to be fazed by stuff like this. I had two anchors at one time," Scott shrugs, "and your thing with Brett is more of a mate thing." Brett barges in, "What?!" "Yea," Scott chuckles, "Did you think that wasn't a thing?" "Satomi would have told me about that kind of thing," Brett says, and Scott shakes his head. He says, "She told Derek and I about it when we had our meeting about Peter defenses if he comes back. She didn't tell you guys because you guys are sixteen." "Is that why we are so drawn to each other," I ask look at Scott fearful of this situation. Scott answers, "Yes and no. A mating bond is unique to the individuals bonded." "I haven't been able to have an actual episode of anger around him," I say, "I don't understand that." "I can dig up stuff on mating if you want," he says but rephrases when Liam starts snickering, "I can dig up stuff on the bond of mates. I didn't mean that, and you know it, Liam." "Yea, I don't need that kind of information. I'm perfectly okay on that kind," I say laughing. Liam says, "We can play lacrosse now." "The guys went home because they were hungry and tired of waiting," Brett says, "so did Stiles and Kira. Malia needed help with homework or something, and Kira's dad called her to have dinner." I sigh in relief, "No offense, but I am glad because I need to sit and take this in." I take a seat on the couch, and Brett takes my hand as he sits next to me, "I know exactly what you mean." "This is a lot to take in," we say in unison and look into each others eyes. Liam says, "She is right. This is weird."

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