Field 1- Chapter 1

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She wasn't sure what woke her up. The metallic bangs, or the chunk of ceiling that had landed on her ankle.

Either way, she was awake. Looking around with quick breaths.

As the pain subsided she stood. The banging stopped to let a loud, ear-piercing ring take over and nearly deafen her.

To think she'd been standing seconds earlier, she had fallen to the floor with hand over her ears.

The ringing faded out making her think she'd gone deaf. She was proven wrong when a metal panel sunk into the floor with a hissing noise.

The room beyond it was too bright to see in. She was convinced she was looking into the light of the sun.

She shielded her eyes from the blinding brightness and stepped into the doorway as it started to subside. Showing a square room with three other doorways. A hovering sphere in the centre was the object that had let off light and now made a small humming noise.

She realized there were three others in respected doorways. All wearing black jackets with different stripes on them like her own and a pair of black pants with their respected colour's shoes.

They all stood, almost mesmerized by the faintly glowing ball of light.

"What's going on?" a voice said. Breaking the silence. As if an image shattered, she fell forwards unexpectedly only to catch herself. Seeing the other three had already left the doorways.

"I don't know," another replied. As suddenly the doorways slammed shut with loud bangs.

The room became eerily silent. The air was tense and it was enough to stop everything.

"Where are we?" the third voice asked aloud. Suddenly their world began to jolt downwards at an alarming pace.

The jerking stop never came. They stood there against the walls for who knew how long before it felt as if everything was hanging there with almost no gravity.

"What happens when it stops?" she asked after the silence. When suddenly the light source seemed to devour itself and disappear from existence as the room went dark.

Then all that could be heard was sharp breaths. They didn't even remember they were falling. They couldn't remember the blinding light they had been confronted with in the beginning.

They became unaware of their surroundings. A metallic clicking noise was heard and they were all stood back in the stationary room with lights on the ceiling buzzing to life. The cracked and stained tile floor beneath their feet did not look pleasant and the reddish hue on that one spot on the wall was unsettling.

This time they couldn't find words. Although the previous experience was gone from their minds, they had the feeling something bad would happen.

"I'm Lynda," she said, being the first to speak up as it seemed nobody else was going to.

"My name's Karin," spoke the girl near the wall to her left with a smile. Karin wore a jacket similar to that of Lynda's, although the coloured parts were orange rather than green.

"I'm Marcus, but I prefer Marc," said the boy to her right. His jacket was black and yellow.

"Steven," said the boy straight ahead, he had an unfamiliar accent that Lynda couldn't recognize. The colours to his jacket were the same black, but with purple stripes to it. "Nice to meet you guys."

"You too," Karin said smiling towards Steven.

"This room is weird," Lynda said looking around. "Maybe we should head that way? It seems more open."

"Race you!" Steven said running ahead. On his second step the ground crumbled beneath his feet. Thankfully, Lynda and Karin managed to catch the frightened boy last second.

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