Field 4- Chapter 3

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"Seems simple enough, we walk across to whatever's over there," Steven said, walking over to the open expanse.

"Be careful! It obviously won't be that easy!!" Chairen shouted, grabbing Steven's arm to stop him.

Marcus stepped over to it and as he tapped the ground with his foot it fell beneath him.

"I thought we were done with falling floors!" Lynda complained.

"So uhm... how do we get across?" Marcus asked. Placing his foot on another place, surprisingly it didn't fall. But as he moved his foot side to side the ones beside it all fell. Except for straight ahead.

"Hey look!" Chairen said. "There's a thingy holding some of the places up! We just need to keep going on those ones!"

"Really?" Marcus asked, walking back and bending down to see under the floor. "This shouldn't be possible."

"I wouldn't question it, the floor could suddenly get mad at you and decide to lie so you fall down," Chairen explained. Using his fingers to show someone walking and falling.

"You have a very creative imagination," Marcus said. Continuing along the path he had started.

Lynda followed after a short distance. She wasn't afraid of heights, just the falling aspect of them. The chance that she could step somewhere wrong and fall off. But she didn't want to think about that.

They found a few platforms where the stopped and sat for a few minutes to rest not only their legs from being on their feet so long, but also their minds that had been stressed for the longest time and the exhaustion that was creeping closer.

"Why can't we just sleep?" Steven complained.

"What if something happens, it would be harder to run after you wake up," Chairen explained.

"Fine," Steven whined. "But if I pass out from exhaustion and fall off it's your fault."

"Sleep!" Chairen insisted grabbing his arm and holding him back terrified.

"I'm just joking around," Steven replied.

Chairen dropped the taller's arm and his face went red in embarrassment.

They continued forwards again, Marcus urging them onwards.

Chairen was obviously scared after Steven's comment, staying close enough to catch him if he were to fall.

Lynda was following the group, the others already making the path ahead of her.

There was a loud crack and they all turned back to see the ground start falling.

"We're almost there! Just keep going!!" Marcus shouted, they followed at a slightly faster pace. Reaching a dead end before noticing a secure space, Steven hesitated slightly but the falling platform forced him over the gap. They were about twenty steps from the other end. But even the secure spaces were ego nn to feel loose.

"Just run for it!!" Steven shouted. They all took off, Chairen froze in place before Lynda caught up and pulled him forwards again.

"I... I saw people falling around me... I didn't recognize them..." Chairen explained, sitting against the wall and resting with his head on his knees.

A panel slid over the gap, covering their exit to the now empty space. Doors indented themselves into the walls with specific coloured trims and Marcus walked over to one.

"Hey guys, there are beds in these rooms, I say we sleep," Marcus announced.

"Sounds good, Marc," Lynda replied. Walking to the door with green trim and looking inside. There was a hole in the ceiling over the bed but the room was too dim to see any detail, she'd check it out when she awoke.

Lynda shut her door and lay on the bed, pulling green blankets over herself and falling asleep almost instantly.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

No, I'm not simply being lazy and non-creative by basically repeating 1-2. So don't think that.

I want to thank you all for commenting, voting and reading my book.

I'm sorry, this update feels later compared to the others, I honestly could be updating more if I wanted.

Have a great day or remainder of day!


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