Field 5- Chapter 5

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"So uh, what do you guys want to know?" Circuit asked. The room was silent.

"What-" Marcus started to say, quickly getting cut off.

"Oh no... oh no oh no oh no..." Circuit said. "I just got a command..."

"Command?" Ezzolyn asked.

"Yeah... prepare Project: Nether, Field: 6," he said. He fell back and slid down the wall, robotic hand against the dark grey metal on the left of his face.

"Well, what does that mean?" Karin asked.

"That means they have four people to test on and they've put them into the Nether project," Circuit explained. "Sorry I... I have to go make sure some others are safe."

He reached back with his left arm and disappeared into the wall when he touched it. Sending a blue zap of electricity through it.

"We don't even know what that Project was for," Mabel said.

"I don't trust him," Tylor said.


I decided to be evil. It's not even that I didn't know how to answer any of the questions. I just wanted to write.

I could've answered any or all of them. But I wanted to be evil.

(I might make my friend aberdoodle124 happy and go finish my chapter for a book we're writing together now xD)

Have a great day or remainder of day


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