Field 2- Chapter 1

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She wasn't sure what woke her up. The metallic bangs, or the chunk of ceiling that had landed on her ankle.

Either way, she was awake. She sat up and lifted the chunk off of her ankle.

The pain subsided as she stood. The banging stopped to let a loud, ear-piercing ring take over. She cupped her hands over her ears.

The ringing faded out and she took her hands off her ears. Then a metal panel sunk into the floor with a hissing noise, making her cringe.

The light in the room beyond it was blinding. She thought she was looking right into the light of a giant flashlight.

She shielded her eyes and the light eventually started to subside. Revealing a square room with three other doorways. A hovering sphere sat in the centre giving off a low humming noise.

There were three others in the room. All wearing black jackets with different stripes on them like hers and a pair of black pants with shoes of their respected colour.

They all exchanged glances and walked put into the room.

"Where are we?" the one with yellow asked. The others shrugged and the one with orange stepped towards the strange object.

The doorways all slammed shut and she nearly fell forwards. The one with orange fell forwards and landed with her arms around the object.

The room became eerily silent. The air was tense and it was enough to stop everything.

Suddenly their world began to jolt downwards at an alarming pace. The object disappearing as the one in orange pushed away and stumbled backwards.

The jerking stop never came. They stood there as if everything was hanging there with almost no gravity.

"What happens when it stops?" she asked after the silence. The room was dark and they couldn't see anything, all that could be heard was their breaths.

Then something changed, they didn't even remember they were falling, they couldn't remember the blinding light from when the doors had opened.

They were unaware of their surroundings. A metallic clicking noise was heard and lights on the ceiling buzzed to life. The cracked and stained tile floor beneath their feet was a pale yellow.

They couldn't find words. They didn't know where they were, or how they had gotten there.

"I'm Lynda," she said, deciding to break the silence.

"My name's Karin," the one with orange said. She was smiling and stood near the centre of the room.

"I'm Marcus, but I go by Marc," said the one with yellow, he was standing near the wall to her right.

"Steven," said the boy straight ahead of her. He had an unfamiliar accent that Lynda couldn't recognize. His jacket had purple stripes. "Nice to meet you guys."

"We don't even know what anyone's like yet," Karin said, smirking towards Steven. "How can you be sure it's nice?"

"Isn't anymore," Steven replied smiling.

"This room is weird," Lynda said to cut them off. "Is there something down there?"

Karin walked to the centre of the room, looking down into the pit.

"Guess there's one way to find out," Steven said, climbing onto the rope ladder and descending.


If you have questions (I think you might) don't be afraid to ask!

This chapter was a big one (should I be telling you that? Whatever) so there probably will be some confusions. I don't mind! You have every right to be completely confused with this chapter or even why there was a prologue instead of the seventh chapter.

Enough of my pointless rambling! I should really be writing chapter two instead of this...

Have a great day/remainder of day!


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