Field 3- Chapter 6

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"She really is the most annoying person I know... well... maybe second to Zip... but..." Lucy said, they were waiting for the cookies to cool off enough to eat.

A loud crash came from the main room and they exchanged a glance before running off towards the room.

A second crash came as they entered the room to see a pair of bunk beds lying on the floor as Zippi and Ezzolyn jumped out of the tunnel.

"Chairen! We have them!" Ezzolyn shouted to the boy who stood with his arms crossed, only a few metres away from where the beds had landed.

"Just get them to the room. Rose, get the others from your team," Chairen instructed.

"He means get Marc, Steven and Karin," Lucy told Lynda quietly. "He refers to us by last name."

"Alright," Lynda said. She left down the tunnels and turned to the right, or west, to go to the training room, where Marcus had said he was going earlier.

She opened the doors to see the three of them in the room. Karin sat on a higher platform and Steven running around with a screaming Marcus slung over his shoulder.

Ryly and Mabel were also in the room, Ryly laughing silently and Mabel chasing Steven. Lynda was shocked she hadn't heard it from outside.

"Hey," Lynda said, Attracting Karin and Mabel's attention.

"Lynda's here!" Karin shouted, silencing the room except for a bit of laughter.

"Put me down!!" Marcus shouted again.

"Okay," Steven replied, letting go as Marcus fell to the ground, landing on his back.

"Chairen told me he wanted you three," Lynda said, pointing to where Steven, Karin and Marcus were in the room.

"Ooh! He wants your team! Let's go! Maybe you'll have some mission thing in the halls!" Mabel said. "He usually goes with you on one when new people show up to go get proper clothing, what you had when you got here. Sadly you do have to go with him, though. And Chairen can be stubborn."

Ryly pointed at Mabel, seemingly not pleased with her words.

"Don't try to deny it, he can be frustrating sometimes I know you agree, Ry," Mabel said. Ryly crossed her arms. "Come on!"

They all left the room and started walking back to the main room. Steven almost walking into a fast-flying bed if Karin and Lynda hadn't pulled him back.

They returned and Chairen looked over at them from where he stood beside Tylor at the panel in the wall.

"Hey Marc!" Zippi shouted, running over and hugging him.

"Let go!" Marcus shouted.

"Team Nether, come over here," Chairen said.

"You mean us? Okay," Steven said. He was first to start walking, but Marcus stayed put because of Zippi.

"Martins, if you aren't going to let him go at least bring him over here," Chairen said.

"Aww," Zippi whined, letting go of Marcus who ran over to join the others.

"I'm going to take you to where they store the clothing you came here with when Bella returns, just find your name, grab it, then return to the exit, alarms will probably go off, so be as quick as you can be getting back, it's alphabetical," Chairen explained. "It isn't difficult, you all know your names. And they'll already be searching for you probably, unless they have more teams to put through Project Nether. So be prepared to run."

"Got it!" Steven said smiling.

"Seems easy enough," Karin said. "I'll be so happy to finally get out of this jacket."

Ezzolyn ran back into the room.

"Bella, they're ready," Chairen ordered, the door opened and a ladder fell into the room from the tunnel.

They all climbed up, heading out into the sloped tunnel.

They reached the end and Chairen moved a tile and it slid under another as he pulled himself out and the others followed suit as he put it back in place.

"Follow me, and remember the way back," he said. Leading them down the hallway and through a door, inside the room they each headed down their specific isles. Lynda found a bag marked Lynda Rose and grabbed it after making sure it was the only one around her.

An alarm started that second and she ran back to the door, the others close behind. The five of them started running back when she appeared up ahead, blocking their path and holding a needle that Lynda found to look awfully familiar.

Her eyes widened as she saw Chairen and they turned and ran.

"There's an exit in office 1204 under desk zh, get there," Chairen told them. She was rapidly gaining, she only saw Karin and Chairen ahead of her and felt the needle against her skin and saw Chairen trip as Karin glanced back and ran on alone.

She shut her eyes and began struggling to stay aware and alert.

"How did you do it?" she heard, before she slipped away into unconsciousness.


Okay... I wrote this in under an hour I won't lie... it always depends on whether or not I feel like writing or not. More updates coming soon.

I love this chapter by the way! I was planning for this to happen for a few days now. I was just thinking, how do I continue the Fields... but wait... what if... I hope you all like the idea I had (don't want to spoil it if you don't know)

Have a great day or remainder of day!


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