Field 6- Chapter 4

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Griffin hit the purple gel and was flung back up into the air and onto a pillar. He was breathing heavily but Jack was already here. Suddenly a screaming Preston ran off the edge and Griffin had to move out of his way. Lora appeared at the edge after.

"The jello stuff is bouncy!" Jack shouted over to her.

She didn't hesitate to jump off and landed on the pillar next to them.

"So what? The new rule is just go forwards?" Lora replied.

Griffin remembered this part too. He decided to put it here in his field because he liked the idea of it. Most fields had it further on. It was early in field two though which was his main concern in adding it.

"Well staying put won't get us out anytime soon," Preston replied. "Come on! This'll be so cool!"

He was the first to continue on.

"I'll beat you!!" Jack shouted as he jumped down. "I'm faster that you!"

Lora left next and Griffin hesitated slightly, brushing his hands over his clothes multiple times before taking a deep breath and jumping down.

The feeling of falling was a terrifying one. He didn't know why he'd volunteered knowing the Field so well. Especially to see it altered. He couldn't do a thing about it either. Knowing this Field could either kill him or... he'd get to the end. He didn't know what would happen next.

He took the next jump. It was such a calm part of the Field he could just use it to think.

If he made it to the end, what would happen to him? Would Parker even let him back with them? Would she keep him there? She thought, as frightening of a thought it was, the lives of the people they tested on were worthless. It was the only way she wouldn't feel bad if and when they died.

And they died. Mauled by spiders, fried by lasers, falling to their deaths. Anything imaginable. The large majority from the Project he was in a that very moment.

Would she see him as worthless too? Once she had the most important results she would ever need? Griffin knew what was up with this Project. Why Annabelle had made the Project, why she had made the Fields. He designed it with her when he was just a kid. It was essentially his Project, too.

He fell down again. Hitting the slimy purple gel and flying back up into the air.

He volunteered because he couldn't stand the thought of their Project dying. Like he knew it would. And Project Nether was dying faster than he could imagine. He just wished Annabelle could've been there to stop him. But there was no way she would be able to even. It was a mistake of hers to go home. It was a mistake of Parker's to visit her. She was dead to the facility the second she left. Parker was still fine. She had been diagnosed as immune anyways. One of the few people who could say that.

He landed almost fell the wrong way.

"Work together, team Nether," he mumbled. Parker had come up with that, and it had stuck. It meant a lot to him. Parker meant a lot to him.

He jumped again.

Parker was his best friend growing up. They faded away slightly as Annabelle found Ryly, but then they got closer after Ryly disappeared, in turn Parker invited Griffin to visit only for him to be trapped there when it happened. Basically forcing the two to become employees. Thankfully for them it didn't start out so bad.

He landed, one jump to go.

He didn't really hate being in the Field. It felt more real. And they were best friends. Weren't they? There's no way Parker wouldn't let him come back to the controls... right?

"You took a while, afraid of heights?" Preston asked.

"Just thinking," he replied.

"Come on, let's see what's next," Jack said. He didn't run ahead this time. Just walked with the group.


I love Griffin's character. Was this a little too much information? Probably. I want to come back from really infrequent updates as strong as I can. And after last chapter? I had to write this one and get it out as soon as possible

Have a great day or remainder of day


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