Field 6- Chapter 9

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Griffin watched at the door was opened. He was taking deep breaths and his heart was beating faster than it ever had.

"Griffin, are you alright? We're safe! They'll not even notice we were ever there," Lynda said. Placing a hand on his shoulder as he looked over at her into her bright green eyes and comforting smile.

"I-I know," he stuttered, his stomach doing flips. "J-just worried."

"You won't ever have to go through  anything they did to you ever again. You're safe here, Griffin," Lynda said comfortingly.

Lynda had been so kind to him. She was his best friend down the- no she wasn't, he hadn't made any friends. These were test subjects. He was the one testing on them.

They got up to the room and Griffin silently blocked off each exit.

"Everyone freeze!" Griffin shouted. Attracting all of their attention.

"Get away from him!!" Circuit shouted, pressing his hand to the wall and disappearing into the wall with a shock of electricity.

"G-Griffin?" Lynda asked. They had all frozen.

"Work together team nether!" Griffin shouted. The room was silent and his heart dropped. They didn't come. His breathing got faster and he was full of panic.

"Griffin?" Tylor's voice asked.

"That was the signal..." Griffin mumbled under his breath.

After a few moments of silence a voice spoke.

"What do we have here," said a female voice as Griffin felt his eyes sparkle in hope. "This was definitely unexpected. Especially from someone who'd throw away their life like that."

"P-Parker I... please don't say you're alone..." Griffin pleaded as the others were slowly grouping up.

"Oh, of course not, you think I'd disregard your message completely," Parker replied. She snapped her fingers and people walked into the room from behind her as the group approached an exit.

"Griffin... how could you... we trusted you," Lynda said.

"Stand still, don't try anything," Parker said. Her voice steady and calm. Yet it filled the room with fear.

Parker walked towards the group of them.

"Griffin." she said.

"Yes Parker?" he replied obediently.

"Nether is very important for you. Isn't it. Tell me. What happened with Curcuit?" she asked.

"Rob in conscious. He was working with them. He didn't wipe our minds like he was programmed to. We'll have to wipe him clean. Completely," Griffin replied.

"Don't hurt him!" Preston shouted. Parker gestured someone over and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him away.

Griffin saw the needle in her hand. Blue lightning sparking on the walls around them.

She stabbed it into his arm and not seconds later he was being held up by other scientists and carried out of the room.

"I said be quiet," Parker said frowning silently. "Griffin why did you call us here."

"Parker I did it for Project Nether! Since we repeated Field 1, Rob er... Circuit has been interfering. And Lynda, Karin, Marcus and Steven provided us with our best Results yet! If we can work this all out, minimize it to the strictly necessary, we can get this all! We can fix everything," he explained.

"And what makes that Project more important than anyone else's," Chairen spoke up. His voice was strong and confident. A way Griffin hadn't seen him before.

"We destroyed this world. With a Project of ours. Yours was... is supposed to fix it," Griffin explained. "Trust me, everything will all get better. Everything we do is for the good of humanity."

"Then what was my Project! Huh? You think humanity wants that! If I want to know something about someone I know it! There's no reason for communication or anything! Hell, I know your mother has caught an illness or something to do with this failed Project!" Lora shouted.

"There was a scientist who used to work here. He set up and put you into your Project behind our backs. Because he was sick of talking to people and getting to know them. When you were successful, he performed the project on himself. He left the facility to try it out and it became infectious. Eventually becoming airborne. At a very slow rate infecting everyone outside of the Facility," Griffin explained.

"Either way we're fixing it," Parker concluded.

"Why was I important? Just because of my room?" Lynda asked.

"This is just stupid, test the gas on them all," Parker instructed as they were all approached and grabbed.

Griffin took a deep breath and watched them get carried out of the room.

"Parker. Let me narrow the Project down. I'll get us better results. Make sure Lynda's mind is still as blank as you can get it," Griffin explained.

He walked through the Facility and back to his computer.

He had meant to wipe Circuit, but he easily got distracted. He couldn't bring himself to basically kill a person.

He set at his task of redesigning Project Nether.

"This had better work. Field... Results," he said to himself.

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