Field 6- Prologue

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"We're one short... Griffin are you sure there are no other Projects that we can send in?" Parker said, leaning on the young man's chair to see the screen better.

"The only other Project that wasn't released to the universe before we shut them out was Circuit if he even counts," he said. "But uh... I have an idea."

"Well what is it then?!" Parker shouted. Shoving his chair as she walked away slightly. Some of his co workers were watching from the sides, they knew what he was going to do, but he knew the most about the building as a whole, he was there since the beginning.

"Send me into the Project," he said.

"Are you insane!" Parker shouted at him. Griffin had noticed she'd been more hostile since she'd seen the Project Echolocation girl.

"Probably," Griffin replied.

"You're the only one here who knows why Project Nether exists!" Parker shouted at him.

"Well uh... vaguely. Circuit knows fully, but he's part of the walls so he can't tell us," Griffin corrected.

"Why should that help prove your point," she said coldly.

"Look do you want to run the Project or not!" Griffin shouted. His eyes widening in fear.

"You, either put him in or fire him," she said, pointing at his coworker. Not even glaring at him.


It feels great to write another Prologue, I'm so excited for this field!! It's kinda hard to publish this because I also hate this field ever so slightly because of a plan I have </3

It's strange to write such a detailed prologue, but I have much planned for this field, my average seems to be about five right now, but I expect this to be a lot longer.

(I actually had to go back to Field One- Prologue for this chapter)

WELCOME to Field 6. What do you think will happen?

Have a great day or remainder of day!


ResultsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora