Field 3- Chapter 4

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Lynda stepped back into the main tunnel, jumping back to avoid being run into by Mabel who was running a few centimetres above the floor.

She stopped when she saw Lynda and dropped to the ground.

"Hey! Lynda right?" Mabel asked.

"Yeah," she replied smiling.

"Come on! You have to see this!" Mabel shouted, grabbing Lynda's wrist and running towards the end of the hall.

"What is it?" Lynda asked. Mabel stopped at the end and turned west to the empty rooms. The room full of lasers was open and Mabel pulled her over to it.

Inside were Zippi and Marcus, Marcus trying to get back to the door, and his brother jumping around carelessly between the bright red beams.

"Lynda help!!" Marcus shouted. She smiled slightly.

"Why are you even in there?" Lynda asked.

"Zip threw me in here!!" he shouted, trying to squeeze between two lasers. "Ow!!"

"Just run for it!!" Mabel shouted.

"Are you insane!!" Marcus shouted back to her.

"Who isn't!!" she screamed. Running into the room and pulling Lynda in after her.

"Ow!" Lynda screamed, quickly moving out of the path of the lasers.

"Ha! Now you're stuck too!" Marcus said, pointing at Lynda.

"Yeah! But I'm closer to the door!" Lynda said back, running through and trying not to walk in the path of the lasers. Which was practically avoidable.

Marcus ran out, through a large cluster of lasers.

"Ow!! Zip I hate you so much right now!!" Marcus screamed while running out.

"Love you too!" Zippi called out. "By the way! Your tour is over! I have to go do something with Ezzy and Tylor, bye!!"

Zippi ran out and through the tunnels, Marcus looked relieved that he was finally gone.

"What's Project Nether like when you're actually part of it? You guys were on your third Field, right?" Mabel asked.

"Uhm, I don't know what you mean," Lynda replied.

"Oh yeah, they wipe your mind... so you wouldn't remember Snowy either. Aww and you saw her face-to-face twice!" she said, stepping out of the room.

"Who's Snowy?" Marcus asked.

"Only the crazy mastermind behind all of the Projects! She's actually insane," Mabel explained.

"Oh," he replied. "You know... I'm gonna go check out the training room place again... please don't follow me."

"Who ended up being your guide?" Mabel asked, turning to face Lynda as Marcus started walking back down the tunnel. "I wasn't Chairen, was it?"

"Uh, Tylor," she replied.

"You should feel so lucky you didn't get him! Oh but that means you were told to use compass directions, weren't you? Only him and Chairen use compass directions, it just seems like more work for your brain. I can see Marc using compass directions too," she replied, jumping up and hovering midair. "Here, I'll show you the kitchen. He probably only showed you the door, it's actually insane."

"I was actually headed there before anyways," Lynda admitted.

"Cool! C'mon!" Mabel shouted, grabbing her wrist again and running midair towards the kitchen, quickly passing Marcus.


This and probably the next one will probably be a bit shorter but I wanted to split them up.

Field 3 won't go on forever ;) What do you think might happen?

Have a great day or remainder of day!


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