Field 1- Chapter 2

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"Watch out, some of these fall."

"No duh," Marcus said walking over to help the two girls lift him back up.

"It's still good to know it falls, at least I called a race instead of just running out there," Steven said looking over the edge slightly.

"I never said that was a stupid thing to do, you just could've been more cautious going into some unknown area like that," Marcus said, stepping down on another space that crumbled the second his foot touched it. "I think there's supports holding some of these places up."

"This is the weirdest thing," Karin said, stepping on a secure space to the side. "Are we supposed to get there? I mean it's some sort of structure that looks more secure than this weird floating dirt stuff."

"Yeah, what's up with that anyways? Let's get going, we have to be careful," Marcus said, nudging the surface ahead of him with his foot to see it crumble away.

"This doesn't seem that difficult, almost kinda fun, like an interactive puzzle!" Karin said enthusiastically, stepping forwards onto another secure platform.

"Yeah, one you do not want to colour outside the lines of," Marcus said as he watched more platforms crumble away.

"We're talking about puzzles, not colouring books," Lynda said, following the path Karin had developed. "And I don't think you're very good at either. When there's an obvious solution, you take it."

"You geniuses better stop talking in code before I throw one of you off the path and hope you land on something secure," Steven said, branching off on his own path.

"Hey, depending how far you throw me, I might just get to the other end first," Marcus said grinning.

"Don't tempt me," Steven said with a small smile.

"Maybe fight when we aren't floating above a void?" Karin said from further ahead. "You all get distracted so easily! I found a platform place, it's all supported!"

"Seriously? That's sweet!" Marcus shouted as he started making his way towards her.

"Are these just random or is there some set pattern?" Lynda asked, following cautiously down Karin's path.

"It has to go all the way across, why wouldn't it? Maybe it's only slightly random?" Marcus replied.

"How are the unsupported ones even floating?" Steven asked. He was first to reach the platform after Karin. "I mean, they don't have anything to hold them up."

"Is it even dirt? Maybe there's some metal shell or something that unlatches with pressure?" Marcus said. He leant down on the platform.

"Wait, the supported ones have that thing under them, so we could look for those if we don't know where to go," Lynda said, walking over to Marcus once she was stood on the platform Karin had mentioned.

"That might be useful, but I think our current method is better," Steven said, tapping an unsupported section with his foot to see it crumble.

"It does work," Marcus said standing. "Let's just relax here a bit, who knows where the next platform could be?"

"I doubt there are any more," Karin said sitting down with her arms wrapped around her knees.

"I'm gonna enjoy this pause," Steven said laying down with his arms behind his head.

"Hey, we won't stay that long, don't sleep if you don't want to be woken up in ten minutes and expected to be paying attention," Marcus said, kicking his shoulder lightly.

"I'm not gonna sleep. As if you'd let me lie down on the other surfaces. Let me enjoy this pit stop," Steven said grinning.

"Your fault if you fall off," Marcus replied walking to the other side of the platform to look at the sections of floating dirt.

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