Field 2- Chapter 3

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"Well then. As if that wasn't obvious," Karin said, grabbing the ladder and ascending.

"Are there going to be more panel things? We had enough trouble with the last one," Marcus complained.

"Probably, what else could there be?" Lynda said, following Karin upwards.

"Giant spiders," Steven joked.

"That's insane," Karin said back. Steven started climbing after Lynda and Marcus followed last.

"I can tell you this isn't giant spiders," Karin said, standing at the top of the ladder.

"That's not a bad thing," Lynda commented, pulling herself onto the top and rising to her feet. "What is that?"

Steven got up quickly after and peeked over the edge of the platform.

"Looks like a lot of purple jello," he said. Marcus stood up last and looked over the edge as well.

"You got that right," he said. "Think we're supposed to use it to bounce us towards that platform?"

"Only one way to find out," Steven said, shrugging and stepping back a few steps before jumping off.

"Steven!!" Karin shouted, jumping after him as the other two watched their descent.

As Steven's feet hit the surface it caved down around him and flung him into the air, he landed on the other platform and started cheering as Karin hit the surface.

Marcus followed as soon as he saw it was safe and Lynda jumped off after Karin landed safely and Marcus hit the surface, before she knew it she'd landed on her feet on the second platform.

"That's definitely something I'll never forget," Karin said. Lynda was breathing heavily for a few seconds but soon smiled.

"That was so cool!!" Lynda shouted. She ran off the edge towards the next platform, they all followed her off.

Everyone landed and after about thirty seconds of silence and calming down they started looking around for the next platform.

"This is actually really fun," Marcus said smiling.

"There!!" Karin shouted, they all jumped as a group, landing together on the next one too.

"I can't believe this is actually possible, I wonder if it's actually jello?" Steven asked.

"Probably not. Maybe some fancy moon rocks or something," Karin said smiling.

"Wouldn't that be more of a white colour?" Lynda pointed out. "Since it is the moon."

"Large scale food colouring?" Karin replied. "There's the next one!!"

She jumped off towards another pillar, the others following.

"I think that's the last one," Marcus said as they landed, pointing to a wall that looked like a perfect cube had been taken out of it.

"Only one way to find out!" Steven shouted. They all jumped together.

"That your new catchphrase or something," Karin commented as they landed.

"Not like I did that on purpose, it's just fun to say," Steven said.

They stepped into the room and heard a creaking noise, turning back to the room a large panel dropped down, cutting off their source of light and leaving them confined to the small room.

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