Field 6- Chapter 8

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"So... we should get Project Nether back online... if we want any hopes to escape," Rob said. Griffin nodded. "I won't let you."

"Oh... for a second I thought you would help me," Griffin replied.

"No. I care about them and I'm not putting them in danger," Rob said. "Everyone who came from a Project. Even you. You don't know how they're going to treat you out there."

"I know Parker, I trust her," Griffin replied. Rob walked towards the door.

"But does she trust you?" Rob asked. He left Griffin on that note, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.

After about an hour of silence, Griffin got up and found himself in the main entrance room, Tylor the only other person in there.

Griffin was watching as the telepathic, blue-and-purple haired teenager was doing something on the panel in the wall. Griffin didn't recognize the technology, it looked older than all of the technology in the facility. Even the things from before he got there.

"Was this panel always here?" Griffin asked.

"I made it," Tylor replied immediately, as if he had been expecting him to ask the exact question.

"Wow..." Griffin mumbled.

"You seem like the kind of guy who would be interested to see my map of their building?" Tylor suggested.

"S-sure," he replied. He found it strange how easily he had been trusted. But they didn't know who he was.

Tylor stepped aside. Showing the map. It showed... quite a lot.

"And they've never caught you?" Griffin asked. More to himself.

"I map it out using their cameras, mostly," he replied.

"Their cameras? Wouldn't they notice you?" Griffin replied in shock. Staring at the map they had. There were so many entrances to this place.

"I found away around their detection units," Tylor replied. Smiling towards himself.

"You're really smart," he complimented.

Griffin cursed in his head, he was getting attached to this place, he was starting to enjoy the company of the project escapees. He was struggling with the thought of carrying through with his plan.

"Tylor there's a crisis!" Zippi screamed running in like a bolt of lightning.

"What?!" Tylor asked back in fear.

"Oh sick! Is that your newly updated map? The one Rob helped you with?" Zippi replied, completely falling off topic.

"Zipper, what's the crisis?" Tylor asked.

"Oh yeah! That! Running low on food again! We're going to have to make a full-group trip upstairs to steal all that we can!" Zippi exclaimed with a dorky smile on his face.

"Zipper, that's a terrible idea," Tylor explained. Griffin faced back to the map.

"So this is the place you take your food from?" Griffin said, cutting them off. He pointed towards the storage room of the facility. They had three entrance points in that room.

"Yup! It's so far from all of their rooms they use and they never go in there anyways!" Zippi said.

"So what's the real threat?" Griffin pointed out. "Faster, more stuff. Lost of escape routes."

"Tomorrow morning. It's a Monday so we should be safe? Mondays not much happens," Tylor pointed out.

Monday morning... in the afternoons they got supplies. He had to hold them all back, at least for a little while.

"Aw seriously? Mondays are generally lazy days! Let's go in the afternoon!" Zippi begged. Or maybe his problem would solve itself?

"Fine, whatever," Tylor replied.

"Tylor come on I gotta show you something quickly!" Zippi shouted. Grabbing the other's hand and running off.

Griffin knew he had limited time, he quickly pulled up the message board.

This is Griffin. Don't close anything up. Gather as many people as you can in the food storage room tomorrow afternoon BE HIDDEN FROM SIGHT wait for my signal, you'll know when you hear it. Work with me here.

Griffin closed it down and erased all evidence of him using that system. Going back to studying their map.

He couldn't believe he was doing this. He took a deep breath to calm down.

There was no getting out of this. They'd never let him back if he didn't follow through.


So there you go! Chapter 8 of this interesting Field.

So, will Griffin carry through or not? Only I could know and I'm not really sure if I want to quite yet.

Have a great day or remainder of day


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