Field 6- Chapter 1

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Wh-where am I he thought. Sweeping his eyes around the room. Last thing I remember was... Parker threatening to fire me or something... am I in Project Nether? Why do I have my memories?!

"Hey!!" someone shouted, banging on the door at the other end of the room. He sat up on the bed and a chunk of the ceiling landed on his head. He grabbed it and got a closer look.

This is the camera we always send Circuit in to fix... he thought. Looking up he saw the blue energy zipping away through the wires. Was that him? He's watching us... did he drop this on me? Why?

"Hey is anyone in there?! This fudging door won't open!" the voice shouted.

He got up and pulled on the handle, almost falling back as it let go. This is crazy, I got to design this Field! Now I'm in it! Now I'm in it... he thought. Looking at the successful fire resistant.

"Hi! I'm Preston!" he said enthusiastically. "We were shoved into another Project for some reason, I mean I don't know why or which one, but you're the only one who opened their door so far."

He remembers too... is Circuit malfunctioning? That could explain the camera falling. He's supposed to wipe our memories! Well maybe it's because of... Preston I think his name was, maybe he didn't want Preston to forget about him or something? He thought.

"I-I'm Griffin," he replied with a slight stutter.

"Hey! What Project were you from? If any. I was a fire res," he said. "I'm just assuming that I'm not the only one."

What do I say? I can't lie! They might find out! Griffin thought.

"I was... uh... unsuccessful," he replied. "But I guess they kept me around."

"Cool, I like your jacket by the way, come on, you get that door," Preston said. Pointing to his right before walking to a different one and banging on it.

Griffin looked down, sure enough he was still wearing his dark grey jacket, white shirt, grey jeans, and black shoe with white laces. He walked over to the other closed door, hesitating a few seconds.

He started knocking but on his second knock the door flew open to reveal the boy from the cat DNA Project. Griffin never learned their names.

"Hi? Where am I? Did they put us in a new Project? Why? I was successful!" he said.

"I... I don't know," Griffin lied.

"I'm Jack," he said a little calmer, holding out his hand.

"Griffin," he replied. Shaking the shorter's hand.

"Nice name," Jack said.

Suddenly the fourth door opened.

"Stop banging on my door!" A girl shouted. Jack instantly ran over. Griffin flinched slightly when he saw her. Her eyes projected her emotion, and right now they were a very bright red.

"Hey! I'm Preston!" the fire resistance guy said.

"Look I'm not playing your silly games. I don't want to be in any more of these stupid Projects. I wish I'd failed so I'd have died and wouldn't have to put up with this stupid building anymore," she said.

"I almost saw someone die in my Project! I haven't seen him since, hey Griffin, what happened to you?" Preston said. Suddenly turning back.

"I don't want to talk about it," he replied. He couldn't think of anything better to say.

"Oh, so you didn't see anyone who was like, severely burnt or anything? Brown hair? Just above shoulder length? Orange shirt? No?" Preston asked.

That's Circuit he's asking about... Griffin realized. "N-no I haven't."

"Oh, alright," he replied.

He wouldn't be able to talk to him or see him anyways, no sense giving him false hope. He thought. Preston turned back to the girl. Her face looked angry but her eye colour reflected sympathy. Griffin only knew because he'd designed the legend for what the colours meant.

"So uh... let's just do whatever this Project is testing up on?" Preston suggested.

"I'll do it for the company's stupid results, whatever they use those for," the girl said. "I'm Lora."

"Nice to meet you," Preston said.

"Sure, let's go with that," Lora replied. Her eyes reflecting a serious expression.


Eyyyy! 700 words! Here's field six! I love these characters more than I should! I designed all four in my math class xD

By the way, not sure if I've mentioned yet but Griffin has glasses :3

Have a great day or remainder of day!


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