Field 3- Chapter 2

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"Marc? Zipper?" a voice said, Lynda was confused and looked around for the source of the noise.

"That's Tylor! Let's check it out!" Zippi said, grabbing ahold of Marcus' wrist and running over to the blue and purple haired boy who was staring at a circular screen in the wall.

"That's Tylor?" Lynda asked confused.

"He's from Project Telepathy," Chairen explained, walking after them to the screen. "He communicates to us trough his mind."

"Ooh, spooky," Ezzolyn joked smiling.

"Ezz, you should see this too," Tylor said. Ezzolyn seemed confused for a few seconds before walking over to the screen.

"Woah!" she said. Lynda walked over herself and soon everyone was crowding the screen.

There were four documents on the screen, one corresponding to each of them.

Lynda Rose read the first one, Project: Nether

Lynda was shocked and confused, why hadn't she known her last name, and what was Project Nether?

Marcus Martins the second read, Project: Nether

Steven Bella the third document read, Project: Nether

Karin Caroline read the final of the documents, Project: Nether

"What's project Nether?" Lynda asked. Breaking the silence and frozen atmosphere.

"There's a third Caroline," Chairen complained. "And a second Martins... and another Bella!?"

"Is that an insult, mate?" Ezzolyn asked crossing her arms and smirking.

"No, just a punishment," Chairen mumbled.

"I have a brother!!" Zippi shouted, Lynda looked over to see him hugging Marcus.

"Help!" Marcus squeaked.

"At least it's not only punishing me," Chairen explained.

"Hey Lynda, your document is different than all of the other Nether documents," Tylor said. She looked back to the screen.

"What does that mean?" Lucy asked.

"I don't know," he said. "It just has a note, be careful with this one."

"Please someone help!" Marcus squeaked.

"Zipper, let him go," Tylor said, Zippi let go in result.

"Aww," Zippi complained. "Hey Marc, come with me!!"

Zippi grabbed his brother's wrist and sped away at unhuman speeds, pulling a frightened Marcus after him.

"Be glad you aren't him," Ezzolyn said, gesturing to the tunnel they'd disappeared down.

"Lucy! Let's show Karin around!!" Mabel said, jumping up and hovering in midair. She pushed Karin towards the tunnel and Lucy followed them out, waving towards Steven and Lynda.

"Is everyone just leaving?!" Chairen shouted.

"You bet!" Ezzolyn shouted, grabbing Steven by the hand and running.

"Are you kidding me?" Chairen said, throwing his arms into the air. "I'll show you around."

He started walking towards the tunnel, grumbling something to himself.

"Hey, I got this," Tylor said, stepping away from the screen and letting it dim to a black circle in the wall. "Come on, you'll like it here."


I know this is slightly late and short... I'm not giving up on this book! I just rarely remember to write and I honestly suck for doing that.

I'm sorry!! I really don't have a better excuse for not writing than just that IM NOT WRITING! I don't know why either! I'm jest distracting myself by doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!

I'm really sorry, I feel terrible for not writing, I have so many ideas for what I want to do in the future with the characters and wanting to sail a bunch of ships but I don't want to change the story too drastically... would a ship make up for all of these late and short updates? I won't give it away but there are a few ships I've started shipping, and being who I am there will probably be at least ONE that becomes insanely obvious and maybe even get together xD. Please tell me if you'd like it sooner because I really want to make up for all of this ;-;

Once again, I really am sorry, how can I make it up to you guys!!

Have a great day or remainder of day!

-Calexia31 (is sorry ;-;)

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