Field 2- Chapter 4

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Thuds we're heard behind the walls, as if someone wanted their attention.

Lynda touched a hand to the wall but everything lit up with blinding white light and her hand was shocked as she pulled it away.

Lynda could hear zapping from behind the walls. She leaned close.

"Field three," a hushed, male voice said.

Lynda turned to see the others looking at neon blue writing on the wall.

escape is a puzzling feature, isn't it?

"What does it mean?" Steven asked, he touched the wall and got shocked.

"It's like the whole room has a strong static charge," Marcus explained.

"So it sounds like we just have to get out of this room," Lynda said.

"How do we get out though?" Steven asked.

Lynda tapped the low ceiling and it rose to show a doorway.

"Uhm... that?" Lynda said.

"That's a genius, how do we get up?" Karin asked, turning to Lynda for her opinion.

"Lift each other up and in," she said shrugging.

"I'll go up first so I can help bring people up," Steven explained.

They listed him up and he managed to grab the edge and, despite the shock, pull himself up.

"Hey! There's a ladder!" he commented, unfolding the little metal ladder and dropping it where it leaned to the wall.

"Wait!" Marcus shouted. "The ladder's metal, it's a conductor."

"What?" Karin asked. She was already on the ladder almost at the top, Lynda followed her up.

"That defy's science," Marcus explained.

"Come on Marc, it's perfectly safe," Lynda said, stepping into the little doorway.

"No, no it doesn't make sense!" Marcus shouted.

"Climb the ladder," Steven said boredly.

Marcus hooked his foot onto the first rung of the ladder and when his hand touched it he was ready for the shock.

He gave in and climbed up to join the others. The doorway slid shut and they were in the corner of a square room with four coloured door frames.

"What do we do here?" Steven asked. He ran to the closest doorway, the green one. "Rest?"

Lynda looked into the room.

"Or... what's that?" Lynda pointed out, gesturing up to the hole in the ceiling.


Real short but real late! Sorry next chapter will be really soon I promise! I keep trying to make these weekly!

Have a great day or remainder of day!


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