14. The ugly truth

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I was driving to the Woodstreet. Chester had got a drive from Andrew. I was thinking about his brother. He was raped? And commited suicide? Why did he get into jail? I was almost dying for being so worried about Chester.

I parked on the lot, and walked to the building. I made my way to the second floor. Sean walked past me. "You won't find Chester here, he's on the roof"

I ran to the roof.

I saw Chester sitting on the edge, his legs dangling in the air. I walked next to him, leaning my arms on the concrete edge. I took Chester's journey book and gave it to him. He sighed deeply, ripping off the used pages. He got a lighter and fired them.

"You want to know everything about Brian, right?" he said, putting the flaming pages away.

"If you can talk about it" I said in a calm voice.

He eyed on me, taking my hand in his.

"Well, he was my half brother. We had same dad, I don't even know who his mother was or was she even alive. Brian always lived with us anyway. He was 5 years older than me" Chester stopped, sighing, swallowing the tears.

"Go on" I rubbed his hand.

"Uh... My mother, let's say our mother. Katherine. She was a awful person. She did awful things to our dad, she kept cheating on him. But our dad never divorced her because of us, he had to stay. He had to stay to protect me and my brother. But it wasn't enough.. Katherine did something really bad to Brian. She... She, uh, raped him. She made him do it" Chester said, and I heard him to choke back his tears. "I was 13, Brian was 18. He started heroin, and then Katherine called the cops. Everybody blamed Brian of the rape. Everyone thought that a woman can't be rapist. He was so in drugs he didn't know what was going on and my mom was good at acting" Chester took his hand, to wipe his face, but started crying hysterically.

I pulled him off the edge to the ground, and took him under my arm and we sat on the ground. After a moment he calmed down, and continued.

"He couldn't take it in jail. He was there and he was innocent. He decided to kill himself" he muttered, looking at his lap.

"Is there something more? You know i'm here to listen. Spill it all out" I told him.

"She... She did same to me, when I was 15" he said, and started to tremble and sob, but I kept cuddling him. "It was horrible. She uh, drugged me up and I couldn't move. I literally couldn't get away, I was trapped. My dad had no clue about it. I was ready to kill myself but decided not to" he muttered.

"What changed your mind?"

"My mom" he chuckled. "She died... Police said it was a suicide but I know it was a murder. I'm the only one who knows the truth about it"

"What are you saying?" I asked, getting really worried.

"I know it sounds crazy and shit, but.. I.. I killed my own mother" he said and buried his face into his hands.

My heart skipped a beat. Maybe two.

"You, what?" I asked, breathing heavily, shocked.

"Go on, mock me. Say i'm insane. Say i'm a killer but that bitch deserved it" he muttered.

"Why you didn't tell me earlier?" I asked, not believing what he just had told me.

"It's not a thing you tell straight ahead 'hey, nice to meet you, i killed my own mother'" Chester said, sarcastically.

"Cut off the sarcasm, Chester" I said, "How... How they never caught you?"

"I made it to look like a suicide. Katherine was a hard drug addict, and... I might have... mixed heroin in her coffee. Police thought it was just overdose" he muttered.

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