Chapter 5.

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      I was in the car with my friends Tionna and Cassidy, on our way to this party. Now this party isn't a party for high school seniors, more like a party with college students. Cassidy got invited because her cousin goes to the college, and he said she could bring friends. Normally I wouldn't go, but my boyfriend Aaron said he'd be here. He got to come because he goes here. Yeah, I'm dating a college guy, but we met in high school first. He's 19. "We're going to a college partyyyy!" Tionna sang. "We're going to turn up!" I shouted. "But all while looking sexy." Cassidy said twerking in her seat. "Girl! You don't need to be twerking. Focus on the road." Tionna said from the backseat. "Fine mom." About 10 minutes later we pulled up at this frat house. We got out the car and went in. The first thing I did was call Aaron.

Aaron: Hello?

Me: Hey babe where are you?

Aaron: In my dorm.

Me: I thought you were going to that party.

Aaron: Nah. I had basketball practice, and I was tired. Why?

Me: Cause I'm at the party!

Aaron: You were serious about going? I thought you were joking!

Me: Noo, I was hella serious!

Aaron: *sighs* Babe just don't stay too long.

Me: How come?

Aaron: Cause the boys at my school chase after every cute girl, lesbian, bisexual, or whatever.

Me: I'll see. I came with Cassidy and Tionna, so I have to get them to agree to leave with me.

Aaron: Ok, I love you.

Me: Love you too.

   Great! I'm at a party with a bunch of dogs. Luckily there are other girls here. I sighed and turned around to go to the kitchen but I bumped into someone. "Oh I'm sorry ma." He said. He sized me up then bit his lip. "What?" I asked. "Nothing. You just look pretty damn sexy in that dress." "Thanks, but I have a boyfriend." I said trying to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "It ain't like he's going to find out." "Actually he will because I just got off the phone with him and I'd be happy to call him again." I smirked. "What? He's going to come and beat me up?" "Well that depends. Maybe you know him. Ever hear the name Aaron Miller?" "Him? His punk ass self won't do shit." "Like I said, it depends." I left him standing there and I smirked. As I was walking I bumped into yet another boy. "Sorry." He said. "It's fine." I said. He looked at me and then looked like he was thinking for a second. "Do you have a boyfriend?" "Ugh. Not with this again! Yes I have a boyfriend!" "Are you Mia Luthers?" "How'd you know that?" "Aaron's girlfriend?" "You're creeping me out. How do you know this stuff?" "I'm Aaron's roommate, Dustin." "So how do you know what I look like?" "Aaron showed me a few pictures. Now what are you doing here?" "So I can have fun." "But aren't you like 17?" "Yeah, and?" "College guys are crazy. Just stay clear of them. Especially those guys over there." Dustin said pointing to a group of guys talking. One of the guys was the guy that was flirting with me earlier. "Ok, thanks. I'll let you know if I need anything." "Good." With that I was finally able to get to the kitchen where I saw Tionna talking to some guy who was holding a cup. "Ti!" I shouted. She turned around and came up to me. "Wassup?" "Who's that?" "This guy named Michael. He's pretty nice." She went back over to him and then walked away with him. Before she got too far I shouted, "Where are you going?" "Michael just wants to go outside and talk." I nodded and left. Feeling Myself by Nicki Minaj ft. Beyoncé started playing and everyone cheered including  me. I didn't know where Cassidy went, but she bumped into me and looked scared. "Cass what's wrong?" "We need to get out of here now!" "Why?" "That boy Tionna was talking to drugged her. I saw her on the ground holding a cup." Cassidy cried. "Show me where she is." We sped walked over to Tionna and I bent down next to her. I felt her pulse and luckily she wasn't dead. I was about to start crying but then I saw Dustin.
     "Dustin!" I screamed. He looked over and ran to us. "What happened?" "Some dude named Michael drugged her." I sobbed. "You guys need to hide now!" He said picking up Tionna. "Why?" Cassidy asked. "Because I've been to enough of these parties to know what happens after someone gets drugged." Dustin led us upstairs to a bathroom. "Just stay here." He closed the door and locked it. We were sitting in silence for about 5 minutes and then a gun shot went off. Then 3 more. Cassidy started breathing really heavily, and then I remembered that she's claustrophobic. Cassidy passed out, so now I'm sitting in a dirty ass bathroom by myself. The only thing I could do was call Aaron.

Aaron: Did you leave the party yet?

   Aaron asked as soon as he picked up the phone.

Me: No.

Aaron: Why are you still there?

Me: Because Tionna got drugged, then Dustin told us to hide in the bathroom, then he locked the door, Cassidy just passed out, and I heard gun shots!

Aaron: Fuuuck! I'll be right there. Just stay quiet.

Me: Aaron, I love you.

Aaron: Never go to any of these parties EVER again!

    And with that he hung up the phone. I silently cried and cradled myself. He didn't even say I love you back. Ten minutes later someone was pounding on the door which made me cry even harder. "Babe! It's me. Please tell me your ok!" Aaron said. "I-I'm fine. I just want to go home." "I'll get you home." I heard the doorknob unlocking and then I saw Aaron. I ran into his tattooed arms and cried. "Baby it's alright." He said. I wiped my eyes and nodded. He picked up Tionna and Cassidy and walked down the stairs. As I was walking I saw girls hugging guys, guys mumbling stuff, and 3 people dead on the ground.


     Finally I was home and safe. I unlocked the door with my keys and walked in. I walked in the living room and saw everyone sitting on the couch. I checked the time and it said 1:28 a.m. "Mia are you alright?" My dad asked. I nodded and tried to go up the stairs. "Don't even go up there! How dare you lie to your sister?" I looked at Andria who was playing with the ends of her hair. "You told me that mommy and daddy knew, so when they asked I told them." She said. "We were going to drive down and come get you, but Aaron called and said that he was getting you guys. So we called Tionna and Cassidy's parents and they said they told them the exact same thing." "Sorry." I said. "We'll talk about this later." Mom said going upstairs. I'm just glad I'm home.

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