Chapter 47.

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I shook Mia and waited for her to wake up. She turned around and looked at me with her eyes still closed. "What?" She asked sleepily. "Happy 18th." I smiled pecking her lips. "It's my birthday?" "Yeah, it's September 19th. You're birthday." "So I'm legal now?" "Yeah, you are." "So we can get married now?" I smirked and nodded. "Whenever you're ready." "Today. It's gonna be my birthday gift. Please?" "Okay. We can go to the courthouse later."


We stood at the podium where the pastor stood and he started, "Is there any vows you-" "No. We just want to be married." Mia interrupted. "Fine." The pastor grumbled. "Aaron Miller, do you take Mia Luthers as your lawfully wedded wife?" "I do." "Mia Luthers, do you take Aaron Miller as your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do." "May I ask where the rings are?" "We're working on that. For now it's these bracelets." The pastor looked at the bracelets and mumbled something. "Okay."


I laid in bed while Mia laid on my lower half. "Babe, if I ended up pregnant what would you do?" Mia randomly asked. "I'd try to be with you as much as possible, and make sure you're stress and anger free the whole time. Are you trying to tell me something?" I asked. "I'm not pregnant, but let's say I did end up pregnant. How would you react?" "Happy. It may not seem like it, but that's a lot to take in. And if you did end up pregnant then that'd be the best thing ever." "K." Mia smiled.

     We spent the rest of the time playing around and watching tv. "Did you ever tell your parents we got back together?" I asked. "I mean, we're married now and if they don't know that we're even together again, then how would they react when they find out we're married?" "I don't know." Mia shrugged. "Like what if they find out because of a magazine or online? Then they'd probably be even more mad that you didn't tell them." "They don't read magazines-at least the ones that say my name on it and they don't read gossip online. All my mom does online is shop and my dad looks at his emails and sports stuff. They say only God can judge you, so they don't read what other people say about me, good or bad." "They right about that. Fear God. He's the goat." "I could never call God the goat. Even though He is, I just couldn't." We then started having a whole discussion about God. What I love about this relationship is that we could go from joking around to having a conversation about God in just a matter of minutes. I wasn't even gonna bring up her parents anymore because I know she'll tell me when she's ready to tell her parents.


     I laid back in my bed in my new bedroom in my new house.

     I laid back in my bed in my new bedroom in my new house

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     I know it's big, but I got a family now. Aunt Kristen says it's too much too early, but I'd rather have too much for my family than not enough for my family.

Desiree's moving in later on in the month, but until then she's gonna be keeping me updated on everything. We're going to be the best co-parents we an be at this young age and with me now being a rapper and everything that comes with it. She's about to hit 7 months and we found out she's having a boy. It took awhile but we decided to name him Royal, hence the tattoo on my chest. My phone started ringing and I answered it seeing it was Desiree.

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