Chapter 20 (Pt: 2)

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Ayeee, it's Christmas! Time to turn the fuck up! I went into my parents room, cause I'm just that childish where I will jump on their damn bed to wake them up. When I went into their room they weren't in there, so I figured they were already downstairs. I walked pass the guest room and the door was closed. They weren't in there cause they don't even like that room. That's why it's the guest room. I went downstairs, but they weren't in the living room, so I went to check the kitchen and they weren't in there either. I wasn't going in the basement because 1) I'm not allowed down there and 2) it scares the shit out of me. I swear I saw someone else down there, and that was the last time I've ever gone down there.

I tried to remember when the last time I saw them. Yesterday they went out and were gone all day, but it wasn't like I was home, because Justis, Andria, Chres, and I went sledding on this hill we go to every Christmas Eve since we were younger. We were spending our last Christmas Eve together as a group before Chres left, so I didn't get home until like 8:45. I don't even think they were home then.

Oh shit! What if they never came back? I'd have the house to myself, but I don't know how to pay bills, so I'd end up homeless. Thank you high school for teaching me what x•y/n and other pointless shit, but that's not going to help in this situation. I was about to just go open the presents, but my mom and dad came upstairs from the basement. "Oh thank goodness. I thought you guys were dead." I said. "And instead of going to call the police, you were about to open presents." Mom said. "Love you." "Whatever." I chuckled as I started opening presents. I got clothes, sneakers, Timberlands, some games for my XBox, beats, and a Rolex. I handed mom her presents from me, and she gasped. I got her a Pandora bracelet, necklace, earring, and ring set. "How did you afford all this?" She asked, while I was putting her necklace around her neck. "Just saved up money." Next I gave my dad his gift. It was a Notre Dame sweatshirt since that's where he graduated from, and a LA Lakers shirt autographed by Kobe Bryant. "How did you get Kobe to sign this?" "He was at the mall over the summer and I bought it. I had both of y'all presents planned out!" I said, doing the shmoney dance. "Now my present to you." My mom said to my dad. She handed him a box, and when I saw what was inside I almost choked. It was a picture of them at their prom from when they were in high school. "How did you find this?" Dad asked. "My mom was cleaning the closet and found it, and when I went to see her she gave it to me." He nodded and then waved something over. I don't know what it was, but my mom and dad were trying not to smile. I was still sitting on the floor, so obviously there was something behind me. I leaned back so I could see, and standing behind me was Ari. "Let's welcome Ari Janae Perez to the family!" Dad smiled. Ari smiled and hugged me. "Thank you for telling your parents." Ari said. "Our parents." "Go open your presents baby." Mom said. I looked on the other side of the Christmas tree and saw all these other presents. Ari squealed and went to go open them. She got this big ass bear that was taller than her, an IPad, clothes, sneakers, Timberlands, nail polish, blue Doc Martens, and a necklace.

I now understand why they were out all day. They were getting Christmas presents for Ari, adopting Ari, and getting people to do Ari's room. I was wondering why it smelt like paint when I came home last night. "Do you like your presents?" Dad asked. "I love them! Thank you so much!" Ari said, running to give them hugs. "Now I have a little Princess." "Best Christmas ever!" Ari said, coming to sit down next to me. "Now for your present," Dad said to mom, "Rebecca, I have loved you since we first met 25 years ago. You have held me down, and stayed by my side through everything. You are my better half. You gave me Jacob, who gave us the idea of Ari, and now to make this even better I want to ask you this," He got down on one knee, "Will you marry me?" "Yes!" Dad slipped the ring on my moms finger and they kissed. "Can I be the flower girl?" Ari asked. "Yes sweetie you can." Mom smiled.

I don't really think it's weird that I'm almost an adult and my parents are just getting married. My dads job doesn't pay him enough to wear he could've bought the ring years ago. We did all did group hug including Ari.

So far Christmas has been great.

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