Chapter 11.

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I was sitting at home eating a donut and drinking tea. I didn't have anything to do because I didn't go to school since I'm sick. I told my mom I could go, but she never listens.

"Jus, I just got a call from the school saying I had to go pick up Chres and Jacob. Are you alright with being here by yourself for awhile?" Mom asked. "Yes mom. I'm not a baby." I sighed. "You'll always be my baby." She cooed. She left and I got out of bed.

The woman would not let me get out of bed at all. She acting like a have Ebola, which I don't! I can walk, I don't even feel sick. I just threw up, but it was because I ate an egg, and I'm allergic. I'll honestly eat anything when I'm tired.

I walked around the house and looked for something to watch. Soon I heard keys unlocking the door, so I ran up the stairs. Unfortunately I tripped up the stairs and fell as soon as they walked in.

"Got em!" Jacob and Chres screamed in unison. "Fuck." I mumbled. "Stop laughing and help her up." Mom said. They walked over and helped me up. Chres started playing around and acting like I didn't know how to walk, so he kept saying step up. And Jacob kept pretending to trip up the stairs.

    When we got upstairs I laid on my bed and looked a them. I noticed that Jacob had a hand mark on his neck, and a little dry blood on his fist. And Chres' skin was ripped on his finger.

   "What happened to you two?" I asked. "We were in a fight." Jacob said. I was shocked because Jacob is the peaceful one out of all of us. I mean he's a vegan, and we call him Hippie sometimes. But Chres, I'm not as shocked. He's in a fight at least twice a month. "You? Jacob stop lying." I said. "He's not." Chres said. "Who started it?" "Well Eric was talking to Dri, but she didn't want to talk to him, so he kept talking and then he grabbed her arm. So I got her out of his grip and then started talking, then he choked me, then Chres came in and we beat his ass. We're suspended for a week, and he's suspended for a month, because he touched a girl." Jacob said. "That little bitch ass. I should jump him." I said. "He isn't worth it." Chres shrugged. I nodded and turned on the tv. They were interviewing Chris Brown so I turned the tv up.

   "Chres aren't you going to be in the talent show?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" "Cause I think you should do a song by Chris Brown." "I thought about it, but I'm going to do a song by Trey Songz instead." "Ooh which song?" "Probably Smartphones." I nodded and continued watching the interview.

     Jacob climbed onto my bed and rested his head on my lap. I tried to hide my smile. I've always liked Jacob, but I do my best to hide it. I'm pretty sure he likes me too, so when it happens it happens.

    I got a little bored, so I took my comb and started parting his hair. He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. Chres coughed and looked at us. I rolled my eyes and continued parting Jacob's hair. I started braiding Jacob's hair, and when I was finished I handed him a mirror. Chres just continued looking at us and coughing.

He's just jealous.


   The rest of the school day was boring as fuck. People kept checking on me to see if I was okay, and I said I was.

   I walked to Justis' house and knocked on the door. Aunt Jada opened the door and let me in. I gave her a hug and went upstairs. Worth It by Fifth Harmony blared, Jacob and Chres were playing NBA 2k16 on Justis' XBOX, and Justis was yelling at them I guess telling them what to do even thought they already know how to play.

"Hey guys!" I shouted so they could hear me. Justis heard me and she ran over and hugged me really tight. "Are you alright? Can we jump him pleaseeee?" She asked. I shrugged and fell on the bed and started crying. Jacob immediately paused the game and looked at me. Chres on the other hand balled his fists up and didn't move. "Wait. What happened to your wrist?" Justis asked, which only made me cry harder.

Jacob started rubbing my back, as Justis went on a rampage saying how she should kill Eric for hurting me. Chres was still sitting there with his fists balled up, but he was breathing heavily. "Chres. A-are you alright?" I asked even though I was the one clearly crying. Chres didn't even answer me. He just got up and left. I ran after him and I finally caught up to him when he was like at the corner. I don't know how he got there so fast, but I just want to know why he's acting weird.

"Chres!" I shouted at him. He faced me, but he wouldn't look at me. "Chresanto!" I shouted once again. Chres grabbed my arms and yanked me over to him so are bodies were touching. "Answer me." I growled. He still wouldn't answer me, so I tried to turn around and walk away, but he pulled me back to him. "How the fuck are you pulling me back to you, but you're not answering me?" I said rolling my eyes. Chres hugged me and wouldn't let go. I was shocked, but I still hugged back. "I will kill that nigga if he ever puts his hands on you again." Chres said. I nodded and we started walking. "I was the one crying you know. You were being mad and storming out on people, and I had to come and get you. I didn't even get a thank you, but it's whatever." I said sarcastically. "Sorry." Chres laughed.

We walked back in the house and went upstairs. "Oh Chres. Did you need a kiss from your girlfriend?" Jacob asked. "I'm going to say this again. Andria is not my girlfriend. But since we're talking about girlfriends, how are you and Justis, considering the fact that y'all were all cuddled up on her bed before Andria got here." Chres smirked. "You two are dating?" I squealed. "No!" Justis and Jacob both said. I shrugged and sat down on Justis' bed.

Aunt Jada ordered us a pizza and we watched some movies. Mia came and picked me up and we're on our way to visit Tionna.

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