Chapter 24.

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I pulled up to the coffee shop and got out. When I walked in I saw Gia sitting at a table near a window. I went over to her and sat down. "Hey Mia." Gia smiled. "Hey." "So let's get down to business. I want to become your agent. Atlantic Records wants to sign you, which means you'd have to move to Los Angeles." "Oh my gosh! Really? How did they even hear me sing?" "They have their ways. Plus on your Instagram you sing a lot." "Oh my gosh! When do I leave?" "After New Years." "Wow." "Yup! Now I just need you to sign this contract, and everything will be legalized."

I signed my name quickly with the pen she handed me, then gave her the contract back. I, Mia Nicole Luthers, is going to be a singer!

I left the coffee shop and got back in my car. I'm going to be a singer!

I woke up and smiled. Everything is packed and ready to go. I got up and got dressed into some black leggings, a oversized with shirt, and tan UGG's. I put my hair in a messy ponytail and used a red bandana as a headband. I checked to make sure all my purses, sunglasses, jewelry, and shoes were in my carry ons. I started taking them downstairs, and Fade and Dad were helping me.

    Andria was about to leave for school so I hugged her. "When you're on stage performing I'll be in the front row or backstage. Either way I'll still be there." Andria said. "And when you're on stage getting your diploma I'll be there." "That's two years from now. You better visit before that." "Next time I'll be down here is moms birthday." I said loud enough for everyone to hear. "I can't wait for March." Mom said. "I'll have tons of songs out by then, and we can listen to all of them." I said. "Make a song with Chris Brown." Manir said. "And Tyga." Fade said. I nodded and gave them hugs.

   Duchess slowly walked down the steps, dragging the sock monkey I gave her. When she got to the last step she raised her arms. I picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Mia weave?" Mia leave? I knew is what she meant. "Yeah Mia's leaving." I said softly. "Why?" "I'm going to make music." "I go too." Duchess started wiggling around trying to get out of my arms, but I wouldn't let her go. "You can't go. You have to stay here and keep mommy and daddy company." I handed her to mom and kissed her and mom on the cheek. "You ready?" Dad asked, since he was taking me to the airport. "Yup." I waved goodbye to everyone and we left.

    As we were on our way to the airport my phone started ringing. Who would be calling me at 7:45 in the morning?

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: Hello?

??: Hey.

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: Oh...hey Aaron.

My💙: Um, congratulations on your record deal.

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: Thanks, but how'd you know about that?

My💙: I ran into Tionna at the mall. She didn't want to talk to me, but I asked how you were doing, and she told me you got the record deal.

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: Oh...I saw your game last night.

My💙: I'm shocked you even had basketball on.

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: I was just flipping through channels. Nothing was on, so I just put it on. I didn't know it was your team until I saw you.

My💙: At least I was noticeable. But um I have to go. I'll talk to you later?

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: Yeah I have to go too. Love you.

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