Apart -2

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  The day went slowly by like everyday. The last bell rang as I walked out of the campus and into the parking lot.

  I saw Shawn and Melina kissing each other leaning on his car, that's something that we would do. I tried to ignore that and walk to my car. But in order to get to my car, I had to pass by Shawn's car.

  I tried to be silent and not cause trouble with Melina, but unfortunately, a quarter of a way near my car, Melina had to open her eyes and break the kiss. She starts to yell at me;

"Why the hell are you staring at us kissing you perv, get away." She booms.

"I wasn't staring, I was just trying to get to my car, which happens to be right there." I say pointing forward 10 feet in front of me.

"Whatever just get away." she says as she shoos me with her hand.

"Babe just leave her." Shawn interferes. I just roll my eyes and make a run for it to the car.

I get in and drive away from the couple and the hell hole.

It's about 5 and school ended at 4. I did all my homework and now I'm just laying on my bed, listening to songs Shawn and I use to dance to together to. As I'm thinking about Shawn I remember that I have to return the multiple sweaters I took. I sigh as I get up from my bed and walk to my closet digging through it to find the jackets.

It takes roughly 10 minutes to find mostly all the sweaters. While I was cleaning I came upon a sweater that Shawn gave to me when he first said I love you. I'm going to keep that sweater, I'm sure he won't notice one missing. It also came with a ring he bought me that is engraved "i love you."

I guess I should give that back too. I take it off my ring finger and put it in the box it came with and placed it in the cardboard box with all of his sweaters.

I carried the box out of my room and to the trunk of my car. I set it down, closed the trunk, got in and began driving to his house.

It takes roughly 4 minutes to get there. As I'm pulling up to his driveway. I don't see his car or anyone else's which means no ones home, thank goodness.

I get the box and run up the steps to the front porch. I open his door with the key he gave me for "when you don't want to be alone," that was a bust. I don't know why I'm so silent, the house is empty. Placing the box on the ground I get the key out of the lock and place it in the box too. Picking up the box, I run upstairs as I hear noises. What the hell, I thought I was alone.

  My footsteps get lighter as I approach his room. There's clothes on the hallway floor, not his clothes. Once I'm to his door, it's creaked open a little bit so I can see a part of his room. On his floor there's his clothes, and on his bed is a sight I never wanted to see, Melina and him having sex. I can hear my heart shattering as I almost drop the box out of shock and gasp catching it. Oh shit I'm screwed.

"Shawny, someone's here." Melina whines.

"Who's out there!" He yells. I say quiet and try to run downstairs. Behind me I hear some shuffling and before I know it Shawn is running right behind me.

"Who the hell are you, and why are you in my house?" he screams behind me.

Shawn eventually catches up to me running the the stairs, grabs my hand and spins me around.

  His expression is still mad when he looks at me.

  "Why the hell are you in my house (Y/N)?" He says angered.

  "Let go!" I yell yanking my wrist from his grip.

  "I came here to give you the sweaters back." I explain rubbing my red wrist.

  "It's in the box over there." I point to the stairs. His expression softens, but quickly after is stone cold again.

  "How did you get in?" He growls.

  "I used the spare key you gave me, but I put it in the box too." I remark going over there and picking up the tipped over box.

  "You don't have to do that (Y/N)" he sighs "I told you to keep the sweaters."

  "I don't need it anymore, give it to Melina or something." I answer picking up my bag and heading to the door.

"(Y/N), w-wait." He says.

  "What Shawn, are you going to yell at me again." I growl.

  "I don't want to hear it, you're happy and I don't want Melina to hate me more than she already does." I whisper opening the front door.

    "(Y/N)" he pleads. I look back at the boy who broke my heart standing in his boxers holding the little box with the ring in it.

  "Goodbye Shawn." I say as tears fall from my eyes. Wow that was harder than it had to be.


They all won't be sad ;) -b

It's March 8th and look back on his makes me cringe and hate my old self.

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