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As I wake up, a burst of excitement surges through me because today it's my 18th birthday. I've always celebrated birthdays with my family but they are all the way in Canada and won't be able to make it out this year. My excitement dies down and a bit of disappointment appears when I see that Shawn's side of the bed is made and a note on his duvet.

" hey babe, today's gonna be a late night at the studio, I'll be back around midnight sorry it's so late, have a great day I love you so much ! "
love your handsome boyfriend,
Shawn <3

He forgot my birthday. I've talked about this day coming up everyday for a week. It's even written in the white board we have hanging in the kitchen.

My anger flares thinking of Shawn so I text my close friend Jade.

you: hey
you: shawn forgot my 18th birthday. boyfriend of the year.
Jade: hey! I was gonna text you. you wanna go to the mall
Jade: what?! he forgot?
you: yea he forgot, yea I'll go shopping with you
Jade: you don't need no man to make you happy
Jade: I'll pick you up in 30 !
you: Shawn's different, I think
you: okay see you

I put down my phone and begin to get ready.

"You think this is cute?" Jade asks as we are searching through the pile of clothes.

I shrug my shoulder as my face is impassive. I still can't believe my boyfriend forgot my own birthday.

" Hey (y/n) you okay?" Jade asks as she looks as my hands fisting the shirt I was looking at.

I release my grip and give a tight lipped smile with a nod.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to forget, you know. Famous people have a lot of things going on." She tries to reason.

"So your telling me that I'm not one of his priorities?" I growl at her. She raises her hands up in surrender and backs up.

"No (y/n) I didn't mean it like that. He probably just had a lot of things in front of your birthday that it flew by him.

"I'm gonna call him." I say bluntly taking out my phone and disregarding her comment.

"No! Don't call him. He's probably recording his new song." She exclaims.

"Andrew will answer, I am his girlfriend after all." I retort.

5 rings and it goes to voicemail. He's not picking up. This just gets me more irritated.

"Let's go home, there's nothing here that's cute anyway." I huff walking to the direction of the exit.

"Hey hey hey! Let's get frozen yogurt or something. That will cheer you up." She responds pulling me in the direction of the shop already.

As we are eating our yogurt, Jade keeps looking at her phone and texting someone, not even paying attention to me. Although I was being bitchy to her not too long ago. I decide to leave her be and call my parents.

parents- Hey honey how's your birthday going?
you- not well, shawn forgot my birthday he's recording in the studio today
parents- maybe he's planning something?

I hear a lot of shuffling in the back and my parents only have 2 kids me and Jessica. Jessica is always in her room and they don't have any pets. Maybe they are at a restaurant.

you- yea maybe, where are you it's awfully loud
parents- we are at a mall shopping and stuff
parents-we gotta go honey! have a wonderful birthday and we're sorry that's we couldn't make it love you!
you- love you too guys

"(y/n) let's go home now." Jade abruptly says standing up. I just shrug and follow her.

Once we get to my house Jade usually just drops me off but today she parked.

I don't fight against it because I do want some company in my special day.

We make our way to the apartment as Jade starts to grinning like a clown.

"Why so smiley?" I ask. She shrugs as we make it to my apartment.

As I open it, it's pitch back but confettis and pops go off as the lights turn on.

"SUPRISE!" They crowd scream and In the front I see my boyfriend with a party hat on a kazoo in his mouth smiling like a fool.

In the back I see my parents and Jessica and all my close friends and my eyes start to water.

Shawn didn't forget after all. I run up to him and squeeze him to death.

" You didn't forget my birthday." I mutter in his ear as he's carrying me up.

"How could I have babe?" He asks. I jut grin and connect my lips with his.


damn b back at again with this bs :(
But I hope you enjoyed anyway
comment, vote, share ! -b

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