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'(Y/N) POV'

I was at the store to buy some food, I've run out of a lot of items since I cook at home instead of take out like I use to since I recently got a apartment a couple months back.

I was strolling down the isles getting the items I need.

"What else do I need?" I asked myself looking at the list.

"Ice cream." I confirmed, nodding my head and heading to the freezers.

As I was walking to isle 4 because that apparently was where the ice cream was according to the worker stacking cans.

As I was trotting to get the frozen dessert, I must have not watched where I was going because I bumped into this brick wall you call a chest. All of my items from my basket went flying everywhere, my butt crashing to the cold hard ground cause me to groan.

  This very familiar voice chuckled. Jackass.

  "Are you alright?" He asks.

  "Just great." I grumble, getting on my knees and beginning to pick up the items off the ground into the basket; ignoring the pain coming from my ass.

  "Oh god." I here him mumble, not even bothering looking up, I roll my eyes at how rude this person is being.

  "(Y/N)?" He whispers. My head instantly shoots up and my eyes finally meet his.


  My ex boyfriend, the one I gave my heart to, the one who I spent 2 years with. We shared an apartment living happily until the ending months, we got distant. One night he came home drunk and passed out in the couch. I changed his clothes reeking with vodka into pajamas.

  I tucked him in, kissed him on the cheek sighing getting up from my swatting position. I haven't kissed in so long. I picked up his clothes going into our room about to throw them into the hamper until his phone buzzed.

  Lauren: tonight was great ;)
Lauren: let's do some time again babe

  My eyes started to well up as I saw those messages. The day after when he was hungover but still sober enough to listen I confronted him about it. He didn't deny it. My heart was broken, I got all the things I needed and went to live with my parents until I could find a suitable apartment. After that, I didn't speak to Shawn for months on end. But he never texted.

  My eyes were burning as I looked at him trying to hold back the tears about to spew out of my eyes any moment. He's gotten taller, buffer, his hair is still the same. And that lazy eye I that always loved is still there. He still looked like a Greek god.

  "Uh h-hi." I stammer. Why the hell did I stutter?
  "(Y/N) oh my gosh is that really you?" He responds, his eyes never leaving my body.

I began to get self conscious about myself wrapping my arms around my figure. Was I that ugly? 

  He noticed me squirm as he stares so he stops and awkwardly clears his throat.

  "Sorry you, you got so skinny (Y/N)." Shawn's says gaping at me.

  "I really didn't get anytime to eat, food wasn't important at that time." I snap getting mad at him for no reason.

His eyes get bigger as he takes a tiny step back, but soon regains his confidence, his eyes turning darker suddenly striding up to my face. Ha I've been with you for years, I'm not scared.

  He wraps me into his arms and squeezes me so hard like I was going to drift away.

  Right when he hugged me, electric shot throughout my body making me tingle. My cheeks immediately heat up knowing it happened to Shawn too.

I push him back stumbling a bit before regaining my balance.

  "What the hell was that for?" I growl at his perfectly chiseled face seeing his cheeks were tinted too.

  "Sor-sorry, I got excited." He awkwardly says fumbling with his fingers.

My eyes softened, I shook my head grabbing my basket wanting to get out this situation.

  "Ok bye." I mummer walking away from him.

  "(Y/N) wait!" Shawn calls behind me. "I need to talk to you, just please, I know I messed up, but I want to fix this please."

  "Shawn there's nothing to fix, I finally am happy. I got over you after 3 months of crying myself to sleep knowing you were holding another girls hand, kissing her, taking her out on dates instead of me." I cry. "It hurt me so much, so much."

  "I-I broke up with her (Y/N), I broke up with Lauren." He mumbles.

   "It's a little too late for that."

  After that draining grocery store experience, I came home putting all the food away, ordering Chinese takeout. While waiting for my food to come I showered, changed walking into the living room, plopping onto the couch turning on the tv.

  My favorite show was on, Supernatural. I squealed getting comfortable on the couch beginning to get into the show.

10 minutes pass, I look at the clock, 11:23 pm it read. No one should be coming around except for the delivery guy. I sighed lowering the volume and getting up to open the door.

  I unlocked the lock grabbing the handle and swinging it open, my other hand holding the money.

  Looking up, it wasn't the delivery guy, instead it was Shawn drunk off his ass. Oh here we go again.

  "What the fuck are you doing here Shawn?" I grunt.

  His eyebrows pull together making a disgusted face " Girls don't curse!" He barks.

  I roll my eyes remembering his rule. " I came to talk to you, I wanted to do it at the store but noo, you just had to throw a fit." Shawn slurs. He begins to wobble and clutches on to my shoulders slumping onto me. Butterflies erupt under his touch. God dammit I thought I was over him.

  "C'mon Shawn you've got to kidding me." I mumble as he is leaning towards me. Kicking the door close with my foot, I grab onto his waist leading him to the couch. Once we get there, he falls in the plush pillows. I get him some of his clothes that he let me keep, changing him again. I turn off the tv and the door being knocked on again.

I roll my eyes opening it and the food is here. I give him the money saying a quick 'thanks' before shutting the door. I put the Chinese food into the fridge, saving it for tomorrow knowing I won't be able to eat because me having to take care of Shawn. Why couldn't he just go to Lauren.

  Beginning to walk to my room I peek over at Shawn to see him in his pjs shivering. It was the middle of November in Canada. I run to my room getting a spare blanket and coming out quickly to cover Shawn.

As I'm bending down to facade him in the blanket he takes my arm and pulls me towards him. I doesn't hesitate to wrap the other arm around my waist securing my spot on the couch. Now I'm under this warm blanket too with my ex, spooning.

  I didn't want to leave where I was but I knew I had to before he wakes up in the morning wondering why I was cuddling with him.

  I attempt to push his oversized arms off of my body but it's no use but I don't give up though. After a couple of tries his arms start to peel off. But he starts to stir. Seconds after his bloodshot eyes flutter open staring at me.

"Please stay." He whispers desperation laced in his voice. Shawn's grip on me starts to tighten as I shake my head. "Please."

  My body slumps as I give up. I'm lying if I'm saying I'm not enjoying this. I missed this. I start to try to get comfortable cuddling deeper into his chest, if that even is possible. I look at him and his lips curve up into a beautiful smile. This is what I needed.


I'm alive! Sorry for not updating in sooooo long :( but I promise to update when I'm not busy :) love you guys -b

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