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   (Y/N POV)

  I was currently working at a diner in my hometown. The food here is alright. It's not the best, but a lot of tourists or road trippers come here to eat.

   It's late at night, around 9. I'm working a late shift for the first time ever. A worker here got fired so I have to fill in just until they can find a new one.

  Shawn's a new guy here too. He's working with me tonight. We've met before multiple times.

  He goes to my school and I have some classes with him too.

  We talk a bit, but we're not friends but we're not strangers; acquaintances. That's the word.

  The reason why I'm kinda shy around him is because it have a little crush on him like a little school girl.

What are we, in 2nd grade. I know that Shawn doesn't see me anything but someone to talk to.

There are so many other girls at our school that are many times prettier than me that like Shawn too.

It's undeniable how handsome Shawn is. His features are sharp and the lazy eye fits him.

I always see girls swooning for him in the hallways. I'm pretty sure the teachers think he's good looking too.

He's one of those jocks that play and excel at every sport. He's humble about it though which makes him so much more appealing.

I'm pretty sure that he has been eyeing one of my friends though. Whenever we eat at lunch, he comes to our table and flirts with her in front of everyone. He's been hanging out with us a lot. For Sara of course.

I kind of envy Sara. With her shiny blonde locks and beautiful blue eyes.

She's a dancer too making her so elegant and classy. She's funny and cute all the time. The perfect girlfriend.

I get snapped out of my daydream as Shawn snaps his fingers in front of me.

I inhale in and look around the diner. There's no one here because of it being half past eleven.

"Are you alright (Y/N), you kinda zoned out." He laughs sitting on the counter.

"Uh huh, I'm good." I reply jumping over the counter to clean the dirty plates that scatter the tables.

  "Shawn, can you flip to "open" sign to "close" please." I shout from across the diner.

"Yea." I faintly hear him say.

After putting away all the dishes in the kitchen while Shawn wipes the tables down, we sit in one of the booths, quietly doing our homework. We agreed to do this together just in case someone needs help. Usually he's just asking me questions about Sara making me inwardly roll my eyes.

  I don't want to hear my crush talk about the girl he fancies.

  As we are silently doing our homework, a rusty looking car pulls into the diner parking lot. Two guys get it of the car with hoodies on.

  I tense up, seeing how large they are.
They go to open the door but I locked it before sitting down.

"It's closed." Shawn says pointing to the sign.

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