Pursued pt.2

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  (Y/N POV)

   "Why would he do that to you?" Jade groans, pulling on her hair.

  I stare up at the ceiling with no emotion going through me but numbness.

  "Honestly he's such a cold hearted bastard!" Jade adds, sitting up. I could feel her stare piercing through my face.

"Are you about babe?" She asks quietly advancing towards me.

I heavily sigh before answering. "I have no more tears to spill."

  She looks at me sympathetically before engulfing me into a bone crushing hug. "Stay strong, I'll see why he did what he did and then we'll figure it out from there."

  "I don't want to be with that monster anymore, not after this, not ever." I grunt, rolling over and hugging my pillow.

  "It's been 3 days (Y/N), I'm sure he's cooled down and realized his mistakes. He'll realize how beautiful, genuine and caring you are and come crawling back to you." She sighs, smiling at the thought.

  My heart swells that she cares so much but I know that's not gonna happen. "It's pretty clear that he wants nothing to do with me and I'll respect that."

  "We'll find out in a couple of hours but for now, lets go get food, I've been in this room for 3 damn days eating nothing but noodles." She drags, holding her hand out so I can get up from the bed.

  I sigh, dodging her hand getting up myself. "Give me like 10 minutes." I say before closing the bathroom door.

I hear a grunt as I turn and look at myself in the mirror; I'm a mess.

My eyes are red and puffy, hair in knots and tangles, clear to see that I haven't gotten any sleep these past days.

  Tears well up in my eyes thinking about how much he has affected me, but anger takes over and the tears dry up. What happened to us?

"What do you wanna eat?" Brian says as he's texting in his phone.

  I shrug but he can't see so Max speaks up, "Let's go grab some soup, it's been cold here."

  "I'm down." Jade says as they pick up their pace to the soup section of the cafeteria.

Everyone is settled at our table, silently eating as I play with the noodles in mine not in the mood for anything.

Suddenly a chair scrapes back and all our heads snap up to see all the noise.

Shawn sits down next to Max, the girlfriend which I don't even remember the name sits down across from him.

I breathe deeply as he glances at me, but looks away as if I'm invisible.

Tears threaten to prick but I just start playing with my food again.

"Why are you here?" Jade grunts, putting down her spoon.

Shawn looks up, eyes crazy before answering. "I'm sitting with my friends?" He looks around the table as if they'll all agree with him.

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