FuckBoy- 2

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  Waking up, a shock of pain hits my lady part and head. I groan and rub my temples to try to ease the pain a bit.

  I remember everything that happened yesterday. From beginning to end. Shawn broke my heart and I got raped are the two main thoughts clouding my mind at this moment.

Thinking of the rape makes my eyes instantly water and knees go weak.

  This is his fault.

  I open my eyes to see that it's really dark. Looking around, this isn't my room. I see the guitar in the corner with a piano accompanying it.

  I don't really care where I am at the moment. I know that I'm safe and secure. My heart tells another story though.

  I don't see Shawn anywhere in sight. That's good because I wouldn't want to see him.

  I lay down and try to sleep again considering that it's 4 a.m.

  I twist and turn for what seems like 20 minutes until I give up. Thinking back on the thing that happened not merely 3 hours ago sends shivers down my spine. I notice that I'm crying but I couldn't care less.

No one can see me right now. Also the Shawn just thinking me of a fling makes me break into sobs. This is all just a little too much for me at this time of night.

Thinking of Shawn makes me angry. I turn to the other side of the bed now facing the closet. Snot is wiped from my face with the back of my hand. I look at the wall as silent tears come out of my eyes.

The door handle jiggles as Shawn's head peaks in. I squeeze my eyes shut pretending to sleep as he's fully in the room now.

"(Y/N) I know when you're not sleeping." Shawn mumbles walking closer to me.

I stay silent turning my back to him as I sink deeper into the sheets.

"So you aren't gonna talk to me." Shawn sighs.

"This is my house you are staying at you know. I can kick you out right now." Shawn threatens.

I shoot up, throwing the blacker across the bed and sliding off the bed. I hiss at the soreness of my legs as I stand up.

It's still dark, I can hardly see as I walk to the door as quickly as I can.

A chest blocks me from leaving.
"Where are you going?" Shawn's questions panic clear in his voice.

I move the other side of him but he blocks me again.

"I'm leaving like you said." I mutter my voice cracking in the process. I quickly dodge him opening the door and making my way downstairs quickly.

Shawn's arm loops around my waist as he carries me on his shoulder cause me to cry out in pain again.

He ignores it locking me in his room.
"Do you want to get raped again?" Shawn says frustratingly running his hand down his face.

"Better than being here with you." I mumble.

"What is wrong with you (y/n). I'm trying to help you right now but you're pushing me away." He exclaims sitting on his bed.

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