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Running late for school, I jump into my car and drive off. I woke up late due to yesterday's late night studying of my final that's today.

Dreading of going to school, I drive a little slow. School has just been complete hell since he came back. My best friend Shawn used to live here until his mom got a job offer in Texas that she couldn't give up.

That day was the worse day of my life. I couldn't bring myself to face Shawn that day because all I knew I'd do was cry.

So I stayed upstairs in the darkness of my room.

Shawn and I lost all contact for whatever reason. He never texted me after that day he left.

But according to my mom, his parents split and his mom got custody of him and his dad has Aaliyah.

They moved back in and yesterday, since Shawn's room's window is facing mine, I saw him unpacking his things.

He's gotten so tall. Last time I saw him, we were 10, hiding in his treehouse and building forts.

He's gotten really cute and muscular. I stared for what seemed like hours. He peers out the window while carrying a box labeled: BOOKS. His gaze caught mine.

Out of panic, I closed my drapes. My cheeks were flushed as I looked at my mirror.

The following night, my mom invited them over for dinner. I opened the door and Shawn already had a glare on his face.

I slightly smile at him, it's really nice seeing him again.

The dinner was full of conversation from the parents. I tried to spark one up with Shawn but he would just play with his food.

I gave up, knowing he's not going to talk to me.

The next day was Monday. I came to school like any other day.

For me, I'm not really outgoing. I hate being the center of attention. I'm really shy and I pass through high school invisible. I don't mind at all. Having 2 friends is enough.

I walked in the hallways and spotted Shawn. He was hanging with the popular group. Not a surprise seeing how handsome he is. I again, sent him a smile but his happy face hardened looking at me.

He turns his head and says something to his new found friends. They all look at me and start laughing.

From that day on, I've been a laughing stock to the school. The usual bullying from books; getting pushed, called names.

And it's all because of him.

I get to school and park in one of the empty spaces. Running in the door, I shiver for another day in hell.

  Everyone in my class was looking at me with disgust. Normal. I go to the back of the room and take out my papers.

  As class begins to end, a wad of papers get thrown at me by multiple people.

I pick one up and and read it.

'your dad hit you probably because he realized how ugly you were too.'

another one.

'it's good that your dad hits you. you deserve it.'

The bell rings are the students file out. My eyes are fresh with tears. I can't believe he told.

That was my biggest secret. I rush out throwing the papers away in the trash bin.

Going up to Shawn, I turn him around dropping his conversation with his friend as I slap him in the face.

"What the hell?" He yells holding his right cheek.

"I can't believe you would tell. You promised me with your life." I grit.

"Oh this is what's this is about." He smirks.

"You deserved it (y/n)." Shawn smiles.

"What the hell happened to you? What did I ever do to you? Why can't you ever leave me alone?" I yell.

The bell has rung and everyone has scattered in their classes. Shawn turns around and begins to walk away.

I pull him back but he pushes me away.

"Get your dirty hands off me. Who knows what you touched." He growls wiping his shirt.

"Why would you tell." I ask.

"Because I wanted to." He shrugs. " I don't even know why I was your friend. Fucking weirdo." He sneers.

"But what did I do to deserve this? I have done nothing to you since you came back. Nothing. I was so happy to see you again, but then you turned into this monster." I yell as tears run down my face.

"This is what you do to me every night." I mutter, rolling up my sleeve revealing all my cuts. "This is all your fault, this is what you do your 'best friend.' I hate you." I snarl.

Shawn looks at me with surprise. I turn around and begin to walk away, wiping my tears.

"(Y/N) wait." Shawn calls. He grabs my back pack pulling me back. I struggle to get out of his grip.

"Do you know why? Because you weren't there when I left. You weren't at the driveway like you promised. I waited for an extra thirty minutes for you. I thought you hated me for leaving. I called your home phone and you never answered. I must have called over a thousand times. All the girls in my school would ask why I wouldn't date them. Because of you (y/n). I've loved you since we were little. I thought we were going to get married, have kids and die together. But you never picked up the damn phone. Contacting your mom was hard too. The girls started calling me weird thinking that I was making you up. I got bullied until I moved back here." Shawn spills.

"Then I saw you at you window. The anger came rushing back to me and you needed to feel how I felt. I was the loser at my school. Because of you. You just need to see how it felt. I never meant to take it this far." He adds sighing.

"Why would you do this to yourself?" Shawn demands rolling my sleeve up once again.

"Because all I ever wanted since you came back was to be your friend again. But then you do this. You should have just told me how you felt. I couldn't handle all the hate. And you should have known. I hate you for this. And I will never forgive you." I gnarl breaking from his grip.

This was crappy sorry. I was gone for what seemed like months but it's only been four days lmao.
Hope you enjoyed :)
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Love always <3

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