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this is like a plot in "THE LONELY KING" so thank you shevvie <3


"Shawn's coming back today!" Jade yells, busting into my dorm room.

I take my eyes off the English book, pursing my lips at her.

Jade looks at me, her mood dropping dramatically.

"I know he hasn't texted you back for a awhile, but he's still my best friend." Jade sighs sitting on the edge of the mattress making it squeak.

"I know, I know. I just need it to sink in. We're still together.... I think." I tell her unsurely.

  Jade looked at me sympathetically before speaking up again. "Shawn isn't the type person to not text someone he really cares about about. Something is wrong but I don't know, we'll see tomorrow."

  "I hope he's still the Shawn that left 5 months ago." I sigh, slamming my book closed.

  "Remember (Y/N), you'll still be the same with or without him, maybe he's made you happy for chapter, but there's a whole book." Jade declares, pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

But he is my whole book.

When I walk down to the cafeteria, whispers fly around about Shawn's arrival today.

  Jade, being the careless person she is, shouts my name across the whole room, making it bounce on the walls.

  Glares of people land on her and me as I pick up my pace to the table.

  Brian, Ian and Max nod at me, continuing to eat their food while Jade pulls me down next to her. I give them a smile before pulling out a banana.

See, all of them are very popular, Shawn is Shawn Mendes, famous Canadian pop star, Brian being the best football player that ever stepped on this campus, Max is training for Olympic Soccer and Ian is suppose to go pro for hockey. Jade is majoring in fashion and business also a plus that all their families are loaded.

I, on the other hand come from a small cramped apartment in California, grateful to get a music scholarship here.

The group of boys sitting across from me are all Shawn's friend, hell even Jade is.

  When I came here sophomore year of university, I knew no one. Ian introduced me to all of them and we just became close. Brian wasn't and still isn't so fond of me, but I think he cares.

  Shawn and I started dating this year, for about 5 months before he had to leave to New York for his music.

The gang would reassure me, telling me that he was super busy with the album, but why does he keep up on Instagram and Twitter?

  I told him that I'd wait for him, as he would for me. But the second month was when it all went silent. No more texts or calls. No more Shawn until today, where I get to see him in person.

  I honestly don't know how I'm gonna react, but the time is coming. 5 o'clock P.M is when he is suppose to arrive.

I sigh, biting into the banana, hurry up and let it be 5.

At 4:40, everyone was already at the front of the campus, anxiously waiting for the most popular boy to come back.

Brian, Max, me, Ian and Jade are in the middle of crowd as a car pulls up.

The windows of the jeep are tinted as Shawn steps out of the car. Cheers and hollers are being yelled out by everyone. Not once looking at the massive crowd, Shawn runs his hand through his hair before finally glancing up.

He scans the crowd as his eyes light up in recognition of his friends. He smiles brightly but it's droops when he sees me.

I give him a hesitant smile but he doesn't return, instead, he goes to the other side of the car, opening it.

All around, you can hear everyone suck in a breath as tension grows.

I gasp as a slim blonde steps out of the car smiling at everyone like she's known them her whole life.

Shawn smiles at her, lacing his fingers with hers.

Jade clutches my arm harder, her eyes growing a deep blue before I hear a growl come from under her breath.

All the boys give me the most sympathetic look as my eyes begin to sting.

Him and the girl walk straight to us, letting go of her giving everyone a hug and greeting them but they all look rigid and uncomfortable. His gaze passes through me as if I wasn't even there.

A wave of pain and anger go straight to my heart seeing this.

"It's been so long since I've seen you guys, really I've missed you a lot!" Shawn exclaims to them, grabbing her hand again. I look away, afraid he'll see the tears coming down my face.

"Shawn, you forgot to say hi to (Y/N)." Brian gruffs out, fist clenched.

My heart pours with affection for him.

Shawn's smile falters again, as he turns his gaze to me. He looks at me, eyes flashing with such disgust before looking to the ground. He swallows before speaking. "C'mon Beth, lets go show you the dorms."

"You fucking bastard!" Jade yells. But it was only us now, all the students have left to dinner in the cafeteria, only some lounging around.

Shawn shows no emotions to the words thrown at him.

"You fucking stopped talking to (Y/N) for 3 damn months and then come back hand in hand with some slut?!" She growls, ready to launch at Shawn but Ian holds her back.

Shawn looks like he's about to explode, ears turning red and heavy breathing.

"If anything, (Y/N)'s the slut." He claims, pulling Beth closer.

A sob slips out as I turn and run.

Blocking out all the 'stops' and 'come backs' I run through the corridors, as students laugh or pity me while I'm passing.

I get to my room, slamming the door closed then completely breaking down.

I waited, you promised you would too you bastard.



love you guys, this is the last chapter of 2016 have a happy and safe New Years luvies <33

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