Pursued Pt. 3

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  "Fuck, (Y/N) don't leav-" I yell but it was already too late. She slammed the door as the shoe rack rattled with the force of it.

I'm left standing alone in her room when I was the one that was suppose to leave.

  I groan grabbing my arm and pulling it hard because I have a strong urge to punch something but this isn't my room. (Y/N) is already mad, more than mad actually.

  Her once happy eyes filled with hope and opportunity now were dull and always glossed over.

I really fucked up.

I really fucked up.

  "What the fuck is wrong with you Shawn?" I ask myself as I open the door and close it hurrying to find her.

I should've never brought Beth back. I don't even like her!

"God damn it!" I can't help it and next thing I know, there's a hole in the wall hallway and a searing pain washing over my hand.

I don't even mind the blood dripping from my clenched fist as I travel fast looking out for (Y/N).

My girl.

I've always loved her but she knew how protective I am. Once those stupid people told me she was with Brian behind my back, I lost it.

I was already heart broken once. She was the only girl I let in after what happened in high school.

The girl I was head over heels with cheated on me. With my cousin.

I really thought she loved me. After finding out she fucked my cousin, I realized I was just blinded by her beauty, in love with the thought of us together. Not in love with her.

Not like I am with (Y/N).

She is perfect in so many ways and I was stupid enough to think she would ever do something to hurt me.

Fuck, she wouldn't even kill a fly.

I never thought I would find another person. But I did, it was like God sent her to me.

But everything is ruined and my heart is broken, knowing she will never take me back.

Not after what I put her through, the words I said to her.

You would be stupid to think I wouldn't try though. Even if we start as friends again. That's at least something. Anything will make this hole in my heart heal, I don't care how long it will take.

I've never cried for a girl, but when I found about (Y/N) and Brian, tears were shed.

My face is red if anger, looking everywhere for her but she's no where to be seen. My nails claw into my palms enough to make them bleed but I don't give a fuck.

The pain I'm feeling won't top the pain I put (Y/N).

What the fuck do I do?

She's the girl I see spending the rest of my life with. Having kids with, in a home with a big garden, because she loves to garden.

Shawn Mendes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now