No Promises

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The Shawn that you all know is different. He's so unbelievably different when with me.

  To you, he's the sweet caring man that make thousands, millions swoon by just the thought of him.

But there's always two sides to a person.

"How could you?!" I scream, a sob racking through my body, powerful enough to send shivers down my spine.

He doesn't dare look at me but rather the window, clenching his jaw whenever I cry out.

"You promised Shawn. You promised me you would change." I cry, grabbing the side of my head, trying to suppress the sharps pains of the headache I feel coming on.

A charged silence rises; he still doesn't say a word.

I try to get up from the ground but my feet fail to support me as I slump to the hardwood floor again.

"Don't you see what you've done?" I whisper through the saliva from my mouth.

"I haven't done anything (Y/N)." He responds, an impassive look on his face but his eyes tell a different story.

That gleam means he knows that he's been in unloyal. Many, many times. The times he's whispered he won't do it again or it was mistake is almost comical.

"I've done everything to make this work Shawn. I've gave you my heart and I told you. I told you not to hurt me. You told my dad you had no intentions either Shawn. What happen to you, you were never a liar." I mutter, letting the situation sink in.

I look at the side of his head and then he snaps his head to my direction, our eyes aligned with each other.

His eyebrows start to furrow in anger and his lips turn down.

"I didn't promise shit (Y/N). You're putting words that you've made in your head in my mouth." Shawn shouts, standing up.

Red is all I see.

"You don't remember because you were piss ass drunk when I fucking picked you up from Brian's house. I was crying seeing all the god damn hickeys on your neck. You sobered up and apologized to me promising you'll never do it again. I don't fucking lie Shawn you're the only liar here!" I growl, finding the strength to stand up.

"I was fucking drunk (Y/N) not everything I say is gonna be true. But so what I slept around with other girls. I never said this was official." He yelled clenching his fist.

My eyes flashed with unshed tears before going up to him and pushing him back.

He falls in the couch and before I make any other moves he's up and grabbed both my wrists with a deathly grip, pushing against the wall.

I yelp out feeling how strongly wrapped his hands are around my arms.

"Don't ever touch me again." He snarls so close to me, I can feel his hot breath fanning my neck.

"Shawn, please you're hurting me." I whimper, the tears never stopping.

He let's go as realization hits him, seeing my red wrist slowly turning purple.

His face turns to guilt as his stumbles back.

I pull them to my chest as I begin to grab my stuff as fast as I can.

He makes no moves to stop me.

Before I slip out of his apartment and life I tell him the thing I came here for before I saw a pair of heels, definitely not mine in the living room. My heart broken to pieces. Gone from all the fighting and lies. All the nights wondering if it was meant to be. All the broken promises and maybe he was right. Maybe there were no promises because he's never going to change. Not for me, not for anyone.

And once he understands the amount of hurt he put me through, maybe my heart will mend but even then he'll have a piece of me I'll never manage get back.

"I hope you know because of your actions this baby in me is going to grow up with a father."

EDITED (for the first time ever lmao)

Heyo, just like I promised AN UPDATE!!!!



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  I'm not asking for any votes for the next chapter, just to GO FOLLOW MY TWITTER @norosesmendes

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I'm not asking for any votes for the next chapter, just to GO FOLLOW MY TWITTER @norosesmendes

you'll find out what my name is ;) jk that's not even cool but please follow I post updates of my life and A LOT OF CHON MENDEZ


Twitter: @norosesmendes

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