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We begin to walk together as Link informs me of a quest he is on to rid the world of evil by taking it out at the core.
"There is but one sole reason that this realm is not a peaceful land, and that reason is a man known by only three letters. His name is PBG."
As link uttered the name a shudder went down my spine.
"Evil. Evil he may be. Evil he may not be. Evil." Whispers the voice in my head. I ignore this for I deem it irelivant. Suddenly, a bright blue light flies out in front of us and a voice says "Hey, listen!". This shocks me somewhat and I stagger backwards about 3 feet. Link laughs as he embraces the floating light, which I now see to have wings, and says "Don't worry about this Robin, this is just Tatl my fairy".
"No time for that Link! PBG's forces are storming through the forest on the lookout for you! It looks like we've got hog riders and wizards after us!" Screamed Tatl as loudly as possible. "Hogs and Wizards? Perfect. I need to test and see if this is the true master sword. Robin, stay back. If things get too hot, run for your life." Link replies.
"Fight. Fight we could. Fight we could not. Fight."
I had to chose between my only friend or my haunter. I step back and wait while Link takes out a few trees with his sword, making a circular arena. I hear the approach of many footprints and climb up a tree at the edge of the arena. Link stands strong in the middle, brandishing his sword and shield. At the edge of the arena (on the opposite side to me) I see the so called 'hog riders'. Each man was aboard a boar with glowing red eyes and wielding a golden sword. They numbered easily 30, possibly even up to 50. The wizards arrived behind the hog riders. The wizards looked nothing particularly bad, until they started generating fireballs in their hands. Something I did notice though was the wizards were all dressed almost identically to me, only their robes were a navy blue colour.

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