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Chrom slapped his hand on my shoulder and Lissa hugged my arm, Frederick managed a half-smile in my direction.
"if it weren't for your arrival," Chrom began "we would now be dead or standing before a pile of rubble. Yilisse now stands stronger than ever, and we are eternally in your debt."
"indeed your actions have saved many, but at what cost do you offer your services?" Said Frederick judging that Link and I were some kind of frauds.
"ignore old misery pants over there, this man just saved my life! Let us take him in and keep him with us, the other one too!" Said Lissa, prodding Frederick as she said so. Link and I walked into Yilisse with Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick at the rear. The people cheered us through to the castle that stood tall and unharmed as it should have been. The people inside were busy putting thing to rights and as they should have been. The blacksmiths and chefs and doctors continued their trades, as they should have been. Chrom told Frederick to tell the chefs to prepare a feast for the evening to celebrate the success of the day. Link began to speak "Chrom, Lissa, I know that both of you have experience on the field of battle. However, Robin does not. When he uses too much magic it begins to wear down and fail, may we ask that we forge him a sword to protect himself at such times? And further yet, may he have a sword he can do with what he did yours? The whole shooting beams thing was amazing!"
"of course!" Chrom replied "we shall leave for the blacksmith at once!" and, true to his word, within a short amount of time we were at a blacksmith and a sword was made before my eyes. It shimmered with a silvery gold, and was shaped as a lightening bolt.
"now all is left to do is name it, like all you brave warriors do!" Said Lissa with a flirtatious wink. What would you name a sword? I did not know. So I asked the blacksmith "what is your name, fine sir?"
"Levin, warrior mage."
"then, in that case, this shall be the Levin sword!" I held the sword up in a fashion that I saw Link had when I had first met him in the woods. That evening we ate well, and afterwards we went to our chambers for the night. But still I laid awake and thought about the happenings from earlier. The door to my room opened...

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