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I drop down from the tree and go to talk to him. "What in Hyrule was that!?" He says, and then pauses knowing that I wouldn't have known what Hyrule was. "What in the world was that!?"
"To be honest... I have no clue. All I know is that this is going to be useful if we get into another scrape." I responded. We leave the circle and head on to where Link says there is a river to make some potions and quench our thirsts.
The trees whispered wisely to me as we walked further through the forest, noticing interesting looking vegetation along the way. Small animals walked by our sides too, bold-coloured humanoid creatures standing at about two feet tall with long pretruding flowers emerging from atop their heads. Red ones, blue ones, yellow ones, all sorts of little creatures came.
"I see you've found the pikmin, or rather they've found you!" Link said with a chuckle.
"Yeah, definitely the latter. Why are they following me?" I reply.
"Well... pikmin are said to fortell potential wizards, and judging by your performance earlier they're right," Said link after picking one up and rubbing its forehead "and a powerful wizard you'll make too!".
We find the river and, to our surprise, the lake had dried up. Link looks upstream and saw there was something blocking the water flow, it looked like a pile of grey rocks.
"Those are way too big for me to lift, or even budge an inch. How are we going to move them? Without water, the forest and all the creatures in it will die out." Says Link worriedly. The pikmin all seem to be looking at each other and nodding, as if agreeing on something. A few go up to the rocks, followed by a few more, and they examine them. They let out a shrill cry and, all of a sudden, pikmin emerge from the trees in their thousands in a sea of colours. The pikmin gather and slowly begin to clear the rocks, and within minutes the river was running again.

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