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"SEON REGLEME HONO" took many lives from enimies close to me. Again I tried, but though my voice echoed far, nothing happened.
"SARLAAC TSOBO BAYEIGE!" Struck dragons up high with chained bolts of lightening. The more I said, the less power I had, each taking energy from me, each making me weaker.

The battle raged on
And the dragons weren't gone.
As the soldiers fought
Their numbers fell short,
Each gave up their day
To chase them away,
But the battle went on
And the dragons weren't gone.
The battle went on and the ground was stained
With the blood of those who'd been ordained
And of soldiers and women
And warriors and children
Still the battle went on
And the dragons weren't gone.
As we fought
I might've thought
Of a plan.
The plan would be
'Make them not see'
And in escence to blind
PBG's army.
"A new spell! A new spell!"
The words I say
To try and trigger
Our chances bigger
But still the battle went on
And the dragons weren't gone.
"Please, please! Hear my cry!
If there's a time the time is nigh!
Channel my power,
Use my strength!
Give Yillises' time a little more length!
Save the powerless!
Help the weak!
Or the lives of Yillise will be less than bleak!
Give me a spell,
Give me a curse,
I need some help,
This is what I rehearse!"
But the battle went on
And the dragons

I hear the voice say to me "I have a spell. But a bad one it is. Do you take time from them to give them more time?"
I accept the spell.
Before me I see buildings be rebuilt in the reversed manor of how they had been destroyed. Dragons appeared to construct rather than destroy, and flew backwards. But I also see our allies, Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick become less aware of their danger, as they were before the seige began. I myself was pulled backwards along with Link, retracing our movements. We moved still, but the army moved faster. I had bought them some time. But how would I prove this? These actions would not have taken place and so I would bear no witness apart from Link, and with Frederick's strict judgement upon Link this would be irrellevnant. Link and I ran faster towards Yillise the second time, knowing what was close to follow. We reached the gate as we saw the dragons just about clearing the forest an the archers, barbarians, and goblins appeared through the trees. Our friends resided past the gate and came to greet Link.
"No time! We've got to prepare Yilisse for a huge attack!" Shouted Tatl as loud as she could. Within seconds, bells tolled, men came to arms, innocents and defenceless ones fled. Now Yillise stood a decent chance.

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