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The dragon had tipped down its head and broke into a propelled nosedive. Link grabbed his sword and shield and took a battle stance as the dragon crashed down to the ground, roaring scarily as it did so. Its claws dug holes in the ground as it reared on its hind legs, its front ones reeling like a fearful stallion. Its huge wings blasting air into our faces. Its long snout engulfing the night sky with flames spat from deep in the monster's throat. Its attention turned to us, its deep red eyes staring into our souls, sensing our fear.
"Book! Book Robin! Robin book!" Shouted the voice, startling me as I heard it. I search my many pockets looking for the book and couldn't find it. Link stepped forwards and took swings at the dragon, but his sword only met armoured skin and merely angered the dragon. The book was not on the floor where I slept. Link had to duck behind his sheild as the dragon tried to roast him. The book was not where Link was standing. "Book lost! Life lost! Book found, life sound." Said the voice. This was a life and death situation. The dragon had knocked Link off his feet and was beggining to push down on his sheildI thought to myself "I just need the book.". Link cried out in pain as the dragon started to slowly crush Link under his claws. Then I felt a weight in my pocket. Link looked at me and attempted to speak, but couldn't. I take out the book and open it. Link mouths to me "please".
"CAYENNE ATENO" I read from the book and the dragon began to reverse its actions, as if being rewound. "SEON REGLEME HONO!" I read and, like before, an angry white spirit passed through the dragon and stole the life from it. Upon close inspection, the dragon was quite a beautiful creature. A smooth, scaly, black body with brown leathery wings and silvery claws. While I was looking at the body, Link looked at the tail.
"See this mark here?" He said, pointing at a red mark on the dragon's tail "This mark says where it's from and where it's going. Bad news Robin. This is one of PBG's recruits, and it was headed for centeral Hyrule, the realm of Yillise, and the Mushroom Kingdom. PBG is targeting all the major authorities. This means that we have to keep ahead of him. We have to stop him or PBG will become the dictator of everything we know of."

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