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"Servants of the Forest indeed!" says Link, breaking the silence.
"Servants? Who orders them?" I reply.
"Nobody does, the forest owns them. The forest owns it's inhabitants. I mean, the dekus own the forest but... I don't think they should. Not that I'd mess with the dekus though! You'd have to be mad!" Says Link, a little scared.
"What's so bad about these... dekos?" I ask.
"What's so bad? What's so bad he says. What's so bad is they like to fire deku nuts at you 'till you look like them! Ehhhhh. Doesn't take a genius to work out you're not from around here... Next you'll say you don't know what a deku nut is!" I look at Link and he looks back at me. I raise my eyebrows and tilt my head down a little as if to instruct Link to explain what a deku nut is. "A small nut that explodes on impact!"
I nod in understanding. "Anyway, now the river's running we can get to drink some water.".
The night crawled in slowly and poisoned the sky as we set up camp. The night was cold and the wind harsh as I tried to sleep. As I dreamt I saw a small withered creature cowering under a... what was it? It mattered not as the sight of this beast repelled me. Unexpectedly, it began to speak in an all too familiar voice
"Robin. Robin is you. Robin is I," it said. I could immediately tell that it was the source of the voice I heard throughout the day "Sleep bad. Sleep you shouldn't. Sleep you must. Sleep scary. Sleep you mustn't. Sleep you shouldn't. Sleep ignorant. Bad Robin, bad you, bad I."
From this I managed to piece together that sleeping was a bad move. I wake up and, without moving, spot a large shadow in the sky in the shape of some winged giant. About 5 seconds later, I hear "Hey! Listen! dragon in the sky, Link!" Tatl was alarming Link, glowing brightly and making noise as she did so. The dragon began to descend at an worrying rate.

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