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Link stood as still as a stone as the hog riders slowly made a circle around him, wizards filling the gaps.
One wizard thrusts forwards a fireball at link, and Link simply sidesteps to avoid it. The rest of the wizards begin an onslaught of fireballs, and Link ducks and dives skilfully around them without any offensive reaction. The hog riders move in, swords swinging at link to be met with his shield, fairly easily done. The wizards keep firing and the hog riders make more passes, and still Link skilfully avoids and counters them all. One hog rider stops in front of him and begins duelling with him, followed by about 6 others. Link seems to be struggling in his fight, but then he does something I thought impossible. In one circular motion, Link holds out his sword and spins, knocking back all his close oppressors. More move in and the wizards keep firing, slowly overwhelming Link.
"Pocket book. Look in the pocket! Look in the book! Book pocket." Says the voice in my head. I suddenly feel a weight in a pocket on the left of my cloak. I rummage through the pockets and find the book that I remember opening with the strange incription on the front. "What have I possibly got to lose?" I say to myself worriedly. I grasp the front cover of the book with my finger and thumb, slowly peeling back the cover, laying my eyes on the front page... there are only more strange incriptions that I am unable to read. I look closely at the symbols, seeing if I could recognise any. As I stared closer at them I noticed a large similarity with letters I actually understood. I read that I am instructed to 'gesture my hand towards the danger' and as I do so I read a passage.
"SARLAAC TSOBO BAYEIGE!" My voice is magnified as I say this and a bolt of lightning surges down to the main group of hog riders and blasts them into the air. They all, boars and swordsmen, fall back down to the ground dead.
"SEON REGLEME HONO!" Once more with a magnified voice, this sends an angry white spirit around the wizards on the outside, stealing their souls as it went. There remains only Link in the centre of the ring surrounded by dead enimies.

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