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Beams fired beautifully from the Levin sword as it had been designed to do, taking down dragon after dragon without tiring me out like the wizard tower in Hyrule had.

Power had given
And power did drive
The killing of wyvern
No longer they thrive.
From tip of th'sword
To the tip of th'snout,
The end of dragon life
Is only but a shout.
Incantations stole souls
And before wrecks were made
We would rid the ghouls
Never fortune forbade.
On rode the fighters
And down fell the fought,
The lesson forever
In Kalos to be taught
Of the day came the birds
And the riders who wrought
Havoc to the havocers
And the peace they brought.

We landed next to Lumoise tower, a landmark that had almost been toppled. Around us laid the carcasses of dragons we had taken down from the sky, all as dead as a doornail or in this case a hundred doornails. That is, all but one. It tried to stand but a broken leg and ruined wings had kept it from escaping. I pointed my sword towards it, planning to put it out of its misery, but then I looked into its eyes. All I could see was innocence, this creature was not evil but just following evil orders from an evil man. Link saw it alive too, and so went in to kill it.
"no. This creature lives" I said to him
"why? Aren't we meant to help Kalos?" he replied
"we have. The attack is over. The way I see it, this is our path to victory. Not only showing mercy to innocence, nor letting live a guilty soul, but a path to the reason to its actions. If it came from PBG, it can surely lead us back to him!"
"I can't believe we hadn't thought of this before! All this time we could have followed them back..." Said Chrom. We decided amongst us that we had to heal this beast before we used it, and a pokemon hospital was nearby. We got help from there to patch and heal its wounds with my magic speeding up the healing process. It stood on all four feet. It spread its wings. It beat them. Once. Twice. Three, four, five six seven and took off. We flew slowly, probably because the dragon had been taught to fly slowly to make better formations in groups. This was it. The final fiasco. We were on our way to PBG.

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