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Sorry this took so long! I've been very busy lately... If you count playing video games as being busy... Anyway, chapter sixteen!

Large metal balls took down hordes of soldiers on foot, each throwing up dirt as it landed. The ground became almost liquefied, and incredibly hard to walk across. The dragons came into view and they were bombarded with a torrent of enchanted arrows, strong enough to penetrate the dragons' thick skins. They were going down almost effortlessly... Perhaps a little too easy for it to have been true. A hatch in the ground close to the walls of Yilisse opened up and PBG's troops began pouring out, almost as fluidly as a river flows through a forest. The people of Yilisse had had time to arm themselves properly, and so went out strong. The fighters of Yilisse were a force not to be messed with, Chrom leading the lot and with Frederick jousting upon a horse. I myself took out a fair few, making sure not to exhaust my powers in case of something else. That something else was not what I had expected. Chrom was knocked flying, luckily caught by Frederick but his sword landed closer to me. I picked it up and began to weild the unusually light weapon. A shriek from Lissa caught both of our attentions though as she had been cornered by four barbarians. As Frederick galloped forth on his horse, I ran swiftly towards her. I remembered what Link had done before in the forest when confronted by the hog riders, so I decided to repeat it. I came to the right place and spun on my heels. One barbarian just managed to dodge in time whereas I plainly missed the others. Their attention was now on me. That's when I had a better idea. I pointed the sword at a barbarian and summoned magic to my hands as I had done upon the wizard tower in Hyrule. A brilliant light blue beam emerged from the sword and took the barbarian's head clean off. BAM! BAM! BAM! The other three down just as Frederick and Chrom arrived. They jumped down and I handed back Chrom's sword.
"I knew you were a wizard, but I did not know you were as powerful as this!" Said Chrom in awe
"Your majesty, are you sure it wise to be around such a powerful and untrained wizard such as he?" Said Frederick with the same amount of caution as was usual for him. A cheer came from over where the men were fighting, the last troops had fallen! Yilisse had been saved!

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