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"so where she we headed?" I asked in anticipation.
"Kalos. Lumoise City is central to almost everything pokemon and a lot of trade come out of it. PBG is heading there soon... Or rather his forces are. PBG keeps himself away somewhere and keeps himself alone to make sure nobody can try to kill him. He hardly ever sees sunlight."
"we must get to Kalos. I have a plan. What if we get something to lead us back to PBG? It solves the problem of us finding him." Said Link.
"We must make haste if there is to be anything to follow. Time is of the essence!" Said Chrom. We nodded and left. Professor oak said the he would look after Peach while we were gone. We took to the air, and soon night fell. We slept aboard our pokemon.

This time Pabago seemed to be standing up and pacing around the room, his face not yet perfect but nearing human. Thin locks of hair now grew on his head and it's clothing became more modest, with black rags covering most of its torso and legs. The voice however had become perfect, and he began to speak.
"disappointing, Robin. The Mushroom Kingdom could have been saved if you weren't so busy in Yilisse. Look at what you've done!" Pabago said, gesturing towards the symbol items in the room. The plant (the deku king) had begun to wither. The walls around it (Yilisse) had started crumbling. Yet the lock of Lissa's hair shone bright, brighter than before.
"your selfishness brought death upon those people. Not Mario. Not Peach. You. You sicken me!" Yelled Pabago.
"no," I protested "no it was not me. We were there the whole night regardless of what events occurred in the night. I am under the impression that you are not of my creation. You are not my imagination. You are an imposter in my own brain. Leave, begone! Anything who is not here by creation is only here to destroy and to damage."
"only if you wish me to. I warn you that you may not realise how much good I do you. If I wanted to destroy anything I would have done it by now." Said Pabago.
"all I currently care about is you leaving my brain and letting me be one and myself." I said.
"if that is what you wish."
a door was produced and Pabago stepped through it. On the side Pabago was now on, there was a grand hall with windows. Dark windows. So dark it was as if it were underground...

The door closed and Pabago was gone.

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