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The balls both opened, fired their beams, and caught zapdos and articuno. I walked over and picked up the pokemon.
"now there's one each. I have moltres, Chrom, this is zapdos. Take good care of him. Link, you can have the last one, articuno. Take care of her too." I said, handing out the pokemon. Their new owners released zapdos and articuno, and then we all took once more to the sky. The wind raced through my hair as we flew across the plains below.
"The Mushroom Kingdom lies that way," Said Link pointing to our right
"we should be there in no time at the rate we're going!"
"We shall need to be, if I have judged this correctly... PBG's troops should already be there." Chrom said, darkening our thoughts and moods. We turned and flew onwards as night began to fall.

* * *
The sun woke me up from upon moltres' back, and I slowly sat up to ride him while waking the others.
"we are coming up to it, we must be ready for battle" Said Link.
"that's a shame," Said Pabago from inside my head. "I was hoping you'd actually get there. You are going into danger for no cause" and with that he stopped.
I asked Chrom "How many civilians live in the Mushroom Kingdom?" knowing that the answer would bring dread.
"easily 2 million and counting, this is why we must save them!" he replied.
Link indicated that the Mushroom Kingdom was just over the next hill, and that we should draw our swords.

We flew over the hill and saw what was left of the Mushroom Kingdom. What seemed to be an enormous settlement was reduced to mere rubble and ruin. Fire still burned, and a few dragons still flew over the land ensuring there was no life remaining. After I quickly disposed of them, we landed and looked for any survivors in the castle.
"Princess Peach was a good friend of mine and Zelda. I hope she, and mario, are ok." Said Link
"Mario? Who's Mario?" I quizzed.
"not now Robin, help us look for Princess Peach."
We searched for hours, we even got our pokemon involved, but we found nothing. I leant on an ashed-up wall next to a painting of a beautiful fair haired lady, and was reminded of Lissa back in Yilisse. I then saw the gap. I threw the painting off the wall and a stairwell was revealed, and I saw and heard signs of life beneath. I called over Chrom and Link, and together we ventured down the stairs.

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