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When I woke up upon moltres's back, the flames keeping me warm over cold sea air. We had not yet arrived in Kalos, but were soon to be there. Birds began to occasionally appear in the sky, meaning there was land somewhere nearby. The waves crashed beneath us rhythmically. Whoosh... Whoosh... Whoosh... CRASH! Something broke the water surface, and this something was big. Enormous arm-like wings protruded from its torpedo shaped body. Its white feathers covered all of its body, apart from a patch over each eye that was as blue as the sea it had erupted from. Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres all seemed to gawp at the sight of this aviary creature that was easily twice their combined sizes. It flew in the air in front of us and looked directly into my eyes.
"you've lost a mentor haven't you. I feel an absence about you." Said a voice that I presumed human until I realised it was the beast. "how rude of me," it continued "I am Lugia, peacekeeper of the legendary birds. I am only summoned by the presence of these three at once over this sea. Once summoned though I may roam for a thousand years. Thank you for bringing me up. How may I help you as I've nothing to do for these next years."
I saw that Chrom, Link, and Mario could also hear this voice.
"We are a band of heroes on a mission to rid the world of the tyrant PBG, and by doing so the world's evil shall dwindle and die out like a lamp out of oil." I said to Lugia.
"A noble cause to offer my aid to indeed. If ever you need me, call for me. Perhaps use that blue instrument Pabago gave you. I know the tune. Goodbye for now, Robin." and with that Lugia flew away.
"Kalos lies over there!" Said Mario pointing out to land in the distance.
Lugia's words had stuck in my head as they had really struck me. You've lost a mentor haven't you. I feel an absence about you. Being honest, it was how I felt. Any kind of moral guidance had come from Pabago, and now there was nothing. Unanswered questions, thoughts gone unthought. An absence was ironically present in me, and a mentor was what I needed. But then I realised something. Pabago had never really offered or given moral guidance. Any wisdom I had had been sourced from my allies. Link. Chrom. Even oak had taught me more than Pabago had. Kalos wasn't to be a challenge, I no longer needed help. My sword drawn, we powered into Kalos airspace and towards a hoarde of dragons over Lumoise City.

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