Congratulations Are In Order

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It all became a blur about three seconds after we had made our announcement. Nearly everyone in the room was moving towards Colby and I as we were stepping down from the slightly raised stage area. Some people were smart enough to stay where the wre, some even moved back so they wouldn't be a part of the mob.

There were hands flying around my shoulders, touching my stomach, high fiving Colby, shaking his hand. I couldn't make sense of anything going on around me there was so much sensory overload. Colby realized that I was feeling slightly overwhelmed and pulled me closer to him. He motioned for everyone crowding us to move back some and they all complied, not wanting to piss of the expectant parents.

Slowly I adjusted to the crazy amounts of attention I was recieving. April was the first person to get my attention after Colby had told everyone to back away.

"Girl why wasn't I the first person to hear about this? I mean like aside from Colby I'm like the clostest person to you. I totally should'be gotten a phone call or something! Wait, is this what you meant when you told me that you had something to tell me but that I should hear it in person?" She looked at me slightly out of breath, almost as if she didn't breathe through her whole rant.

"I'm sorry boo, I wanted to tell you before we went on tonight or before we announced it to everyone but we got all caught up and it was just really hectic for the last few hours. But honestly, don't feel too bad because the only people who knew besides Colby were Hunter and Stephanie, and they only found out for the sake of my job and safety. We hadn't even told Joe or Jon." I responded solemly. The plan wasn't to make my best friend angry because I hadn't told her first.

"Oh, well I mean if Joe and Jon didn't know I guess I shouldn't be too offended. After all they are practically extentions of Colby himself." She said giggling.

"So you're not angry at me for not telling you first?" I said still a little weary of what her answer would be.

"No not at all honey! I'm so excited for you I can't believe you and Colby are going to be parents! It's so exciting! Who are the godparents going to be? Oh gosh that came out wrong. I hope you know I'm not expecting it to be me and you're not obligated to make me his/her godmother." She gushed.

"April, April, slow down honey, we only just found out like a week ago that we were pregnant. We haven't really discussed anything just yet honestly. But you are going to be his or her godmother. Colby will most likely pick Jon or Joe to be the godfather or maybe even co-godfathers because he can never seem to pick just one of them. He loves them both so damn much. Almost more than he loves me sometimes, I think." I said laughing.

"Hey! I love you and now our child more than anything and anyone in the enire world." Colby said jumping into the conversation after the crowd died down and realized it would be best to sit down and get food before trying to rush the expectant parents.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever you say big guy." I laughed, gazing at Colby adoringly.

"I'm really so happy for you guys honestly. I can't wait to meet the little guy or girl. How far along are you?" April continued on.

"Well, since I had my whole passing out and low blood pressure incident the doctor caught my pregnancy pretty early on. Earlier than I would have by a landslide. I'm about six weeks. I didn't even realize that I had missed my period honestly. I think I'd been so swept away with everything that had been happening." I replied.

"Damn it! I should've known!" Colby began shouting out, "When I texted you about fixing things you were craving ice cream. You made me bring it over and everything. You hardly ever eat ice cream. Not even on birthdays!"

He finished his rant and I looked at him completely astonished. He was right. I hardly ever wanted ice cream. But that night I was craving ice cream more than I had ever craved anything in my entire life. We both should have known but neither of us put two and two together.

"Oh my god babe," I said still staring at him in awe, "you're so right. I like haven't eaten ice cream in about two years and then all of a sudden I wanted it. We both should've figured it out then!"

"Well I think I was more focused on getting my baby girl back honestly." he replied.

"Well you got me now babe, and you've got this wonderful little bundle of joy as well." I added running my hand over my slowly growing stomach.

"That day I took you out on our day off to go to the movies and go shopping and stuff, that was the night. God, I should've figured it out sooner." He spoke softly.

"I think Mr. Lopez and I need to sit down before he gets too far up in his head to move." I said to April. I gave her a quick hug and turned away, directing Colby to our table.

The rest of the night went off without a hitch. Everyone found the time to approach us to say how excited they were and to congratulate us. It was truly wonderful to know that so many people cared about us and about the life growing inside of me. I was more than happy to be spending the night in such great company but I couldn't help but notice the viper himself standing in the back corner of the conference room staring down the scene before him. Just as I was about to turn away his eyes met mine. His lips turned up into a smirk and chills ran down my spine.


What do you guys think is going on with Randy? Why is Colby getting so tripped out about the time period in which Ariel got pregnant?

As always feedback is much appreciated!

Hope you enjoy xoxo


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