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Colby and I wound up back in the hotel room around two am and I was beyond exhausted. I quickly changed into my Supernatural pajama set and curled up in bed.

"Babe, I know you're tired but I really need to take a shower after tonight. I'll try to make it fast so I can come cuddle with you." Colby said to me softly.

"It's okay baby, you wrestled tonight. I completely understand that you need to clean yourself up and destress. Take as long as you need, I'm not going anywhere. I just might be asleep by the time you get out though." I replied with a giggle.

"I love you so much Ariel Nicole." He said with a facial expression that was the human embodiment of the heart-eye emoji.

"I love you too Colby Tyler." I replied before burrying my head in the pillow.

I heard the shower turn on and the curtain open and shut. I rolled over willing myself to sleep but I couldn't get the way Randal looked at me out of my head. I didn't know what was wrong with me. My amazing, sexy, kind, loving fiance is in the shower just mere feet away from me and I couldn't stop thinking about another man? No, this wasn't right at all. His gaze burned a hole through my head. Just thinking about it sent chills down my spine once again and not in a good way.

I heard the shower turn off and quickly tried to put my mind at ease. I don't know why I was bothering to worry. My loving soon to be husband would be crawling into bed cuddling up to me in a few minutes and there is nothing in this world that could ever be more important than the little family of ours that is beginning to form.

I felt the blankets lift next to me and Colby's body soon made an indent in the bed next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him but I didn't dare let him know that I was awake. He was far more romantic when he thought I was sleeping anyway. Just a cute little quirk of his I guess.

"Ariel Nicole Simmons, I don't know what I would do if you didn't walk back into my life the day you signed up with the WWE. You are all I have ever wanted in this world and I can't believe I was stupid enough to let you go when we were younger. You are my whole world and our baby is going to be the most loved child in the history of the whole universe. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life by your side and to hopefully expand our family some day. I know I should really say all of this to you while you're actually awake one of these days but I just look into those beautiful eyes of yours and suddenly I lose my train of thought and I can't form sentences properly. I promise you one of these days I am going to look you dead in the eye and tell you how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I promise you one of these days you'll hear all of this and remember every last detail of it."

After he stopped speaking he began singing our song again.

'I will never let you fall

I'll stand up with you forever

I'll be there for you through it all

Even if saving you sends me to heaven

'Cause you're my

You're mine

My true love

My whole heart...'

I drifted off to the wonderful world of sleep with his voice guiding me along.


Just a simple little filler chapter for now sadly, some more in depth stuff coming soon!

Feedback is always much appreciated!


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