{ Chapter 2~ Happy nights.}

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Hey, hey, hey c;



Love me xD


We jolted to a halt and my eyes flattered open. I guess I hadn't realised I was so tired, once I caught sight of the house I spent my childhood in I was wide awake and out of the car faster then lightening, I forgot about the boys and burst through the door almost instantly my aunts famous brownies were smelt.

"Cal is that you?"

My aunty walked out drying her hands on a dish cloth, she looked up and her eyes went wide, I grinned before running over to her and pulling her in to a bone crushing hug in which she responded by squeezing me harder.


I heard her whisper before I felt small droplets on my shoulder, I pulled away to see my aunts eyes filled to the brim with tears. My heart clenched and I pulled her in again.

"Please don't cry"

She pulled away laughing and wiped her tears away, she grinned at me before we turned at the sound of a groan, I smirked as all the boys carried there things in and dropped them at the door glaring at me.

"Calum Thomas Hood how dare you not tell me Ararangi was coming!"

She whipped Calum with the dish towel as all the boys let out snarky laughs, I wrapped my arms and her shoulders stopping her from hurting her innocent son anymore.

"He didn't know Aunty, we ran in when I arrived at the airport. Sorry aunt"

She turned to me and cupped my cheeks, she shook her head and placed a tender kiss on my cheek. Her motherly eyes took in my own as I smiled at her.

"Don't you apologize my sweetie"

She walked in to the kitchen, I turned to my cousin with a big grin on my face.

"You know, sometimes I think she seriously loves you more then me"

I smiled and stood on my tippy toes to sling my arm over his shoulder, I kissed his cheek gently before whispering....

"Don't be silly, of course she loves me more"

He gently pushes me away while myself and the boys laugh, I take my bags up to my old room which was left exactly the way I left it.


"Calum, where's my art book?"

I burst through his door to see him looking through my sketch book, his head snapped to me and I narrowed my blue eyes at him.

"Give it to me"

He grinned and stood up, I launched at him only for him to jump over me and ran down the stairs, I screamed in frustration and ran after him. We got to the living room and he sat on the opposite side of the couch, he ran to the kitchen but before he could make it I grabbed his foot and pulled him to the ground, I climbed on top of him straddling his waist while pinning his arms down.

"Thomas give me my book"

"Elizabeth how about no."

I raised my fist back when I was picked up and placed on the floor, I was held by one arm while Calum was held by the other.

"Dad she's beating me up!"

"He stole my book!"

We both glared at eachother, my uncle chuckled before snatching my book and handing back to me.

Family Affairs. A Luke Hemming's fanficWhere stories live. Discover now