{ Chapter 5~ Night Clubs. Part 1.}

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Enjoy my lovelys c;


My aunty had told me about the plans for the night and how the next day we were traveling to the middle of Australia for a family dinner since my Nana had her birthday two days after mine and we decided to have a joint family affair. I'm currently sitting in the changing rooms with Kaelin waiting for Aimee to come back with out outfits, it's a big day since we had seen our other best friend Katie.

"So what club are we going to?"

I lifted my hair in the air searching it while I laid on the ground with my legs on provided couch, Kaelin had her legs over me and her head in Katie's lap while Katie sat and and leaned against the wall.

"I have no clue the boys sorted it and said that they have another surprise for you"

I rolled my eyes as Aimee walked in with what looked like a million outfits.

"Okay these are yours....this is for you....and....you"

I held 3 dresses, Kaelin 4, Katie 2 and Aimee with the biggest pile, we took up all of the changing rooms and began to start the horrifying next hour. After we had tried our outfits on Aimee went back out and decide my outfit was going to be a suprise, we meet up with the boys in the food court after and exhausting 3 hours of shopping.


I turned to Blaine who was looking at me funny.

"What? Spit it out already B"

He signed running a hand through his bleach blonde hair, I smiled at how his nose scrunched up as he thought over his words.


"Bro your acting like you murdered someone"

I slapped the back of Waitangirua's head making him turn to me and glare.

"Shut up, go on B"

He rubbed the back of his head before speaking a bunch of gibberish.

"I'm sorry-I-I-love you but like I don't know. Don't hate me, I-just-I'm sorry"

My eyebrows furrow thinking of what he could be talking about, then it hit me.

"No. Fucking. Way"

His head slumped and I shook my head and threw my napkin down while pushing my seat back sending a screeching sound threw the mall.

"We have 3 hours to get ready so we better go"

All the girls nodded while the boys looked confused expect for DonJay. We drove home in silence, Kaelin kept quiet knowing what it was about while the other two talked about there outfits. Now all of us girls have our own part when it comes to getting ready, Kaelin is on hair, Aimee Clothes, Katie detail and myself I do makeup, that's our little group. We got home and we all had showers, I was sitting in my robe doing Mali's make up while Kaelin curled Aimee's hair and Katie was having her shower. We all stood side by side admiring each, Kaelin had done my hair in lose curls falling loosely down my back, Katie had chosen out the necklace Wai had bought me, Aimee had chosen a black lace dress the came just above my knee and black pumps. I done my own make up, smokey eye shadow, a dark red lipstick and winged eyeliner. Aimee wore a black and silver knee length dress, silver heels, silver clutch, a sliver braclet that comments to ring like a vine going up her hand, Kaelin done her hair in a elegant bun while I left her make up basically natural expect for a bright red lipstick. Kaelin wore a black lace dress with a mullet back drop, her blue hair was curled and the sides were pin backed, platform boots, a amazing black clutch, I did a dark smokey eye shadow, a light blue lipstick and drew on her eyebrows. Katie wore a full sleeve black, lace, bodycon, black boots, a really light colored smokey eye to match with her multi colored hair, a maroon lipstick and a for house black pendant. We all looked amazing, I felt amazing. Mali had left with Wai, Blanie and DonJay while Cal and his crew of misfits waited for us, we all walked down the stairs Katie up front, then Kaelin, then Aimee and me at the back. We got down and all the girls took there spots, I rolled my eyes as Kaelin walked over to Luke and stood beside him and Mikey beside me, I looked up at him and he just shook he head before looping our arms together.

"Let's get this party going!"

I smile at my cousins behavior, my aunt took pictures of us all before we were aloud to leave. We pulled up in front a club, I looked up to red the sign.


We stepped out and people started to point, we we're let right in and ushered to a VIP area down the back where Wai, Mali, Blaine and DonJay were setting up shots while grinning.


We all picked up a glass and counted to three, we hit the glass together before tipping it down our throats. I looked around, the bar was two sided, one had flames coming from the bottom and was red makeshift flames coming down from the ceiling every few minutes, the other side had ice cycles from the ceilings with a white and blue bar, people were in cages above while others were dancing on the bottom floor below us.

"Happy birthday Ara's"

I turned back and grinned at my friends and family.

"Tonight.....WE GET DRUNK!"

I screamed, everybody cheered, another round if shots came while Calum and his boys came over to me.

"So, this is our other suprise"

They walked away and up to the DJ decks, they grabbed a bunch of instruments an started to play, we all leaned against the railing and started to nod along, I smiled watching the crowd and my cousin smile. I screamed and clapped as the song came to a near as all four boys stood with a mic each.


I froze as a spot light found me, a man came out from the corner and handed me a mic, I gripped it while looking over the boys then the ground.


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